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Re: Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes

here are some thoughts.

as a non-fruitarian who may aspire to be one ( i really love the whole idea of it and the purity of it, intellectually and spiritually)...

if there were a simple one-size human diet, i think fruits would be it. i got taken in by the paleo propaganda when i became ill in my 20's. part of what took me in was that i felt tremendously better eating meat than my previous omni diet, and it caused serious cleansing reactions ( i mainly ate milk and cereal growing up.) so i figured paleo was where it was at. i lasted maybe 2 years on that before trouble set in, but the trouble was still better than my previous omnivore diet and it got me out of bed-ridden state.

for a fairly intelligent person i made some really stupid mistakes, the worst one was subsituting beef for bread. at least i should have found a decent carbohydrate, but my brain turned to jelly when illness set in.

at that point my body was breaking down so rapidly that 2 days of fruit would have sent me back to a vegetative state.

so speaking only for me, i can say that fruitarianism is not an option for someone whose body is breaking down so rapidly. arnold ehret, one of the fruitarian leaders, recognized this and advised a transition diet, lest people dislodge so much poison from their systems too fast and die prematurely.

i fell prey to a lot of the paleo propagands like humans have canines. now after considering things like these for many years i realize it is absurd, and humans are in fact genetically closest to bonobos, who are frugivores.

this does not mean that humans are frugivores, only that we are closest genetically to bonobos.

it took me 18 years of cleaning my body to even consider fruitarianism as an option, but i like to think that the process of cleansing has made my mind sharper and the fact that i do think about it, and have devoted almost two decades to thinking about things like this, makes this a valid option for the future.

18 years of a transition diet seems like a lot, and yet i am still very much in transition mode, still expelling waste from years gone by.

i think the devil is in the details, and in this day and age to become a fruitarian is a very difficult thing. i could easily see someone dying from a too rapid transition, pulling up radioisotopes, heavy metals, plastics, and god knows what from deep tissue storage.

can i ask what the going salary rate is for a metaphysician?

are you in the dough graham appreciation society or did you come to your own conclusions about diet?

i fantasize daily about doing what you did and surrounding myself with fruit trees, but i am not ready yet or i do not have the proper tools. the last time i went without meat for 2 weeks i began vomiting uncontrollably and wound up at the hospital for an iv hydration. yes, it was most likely a cleansing reaction, but one that was too much for me to handle.

also i can't handle constant heat of the tropics. again most likely due to too much toxicity but i have yet to solve that problem as well.

also, for people with adrenal issues, getting enough sodium is a big deal. all fruits are high in potassium which can set an adrenal person off into tailspin very fast.

i think that people who claim to live on air are completely and utterly full of scat, but it's a nice notion. as if living on pure fruit is not enough of an accomplishment for some of these people they need to pretend to be superhuman?

maybe when humans settle new pure star systems and they send a fruitarian-from-birth out into space breatharianism will be possible.


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