Re: Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes
The obese obsessed with death and killing euro guy who is 330 pounds and addicted to eating horse meat is why i started this thread.
He is young and dying of obesity so i agreed to maybe 'somewhat' help him to lose weight with fruitarian recipes and tips.
He buys, butchers and illegally imports horsemeat into the usa just so he can, 'savor' it and gobble horse quarter hinds down.
Before I knew his specs and diet and ok'd to help him I first did an eonic read on him and he was Ghinghis Kahn in one of his past lives.
Ghinghis Kahn was a master of chess. This guy is so obese from meat eating he can barely walk so he has 235 concurrent chess games going on all day and night over the internet.
Ghinghis Kahn mastered the horse as a weapon of war and lived off of horsemeat. Ghinghis Khan murdered village after village and challenged each chief of each town to a game of chess using real humans as soldiers, if a chess peice was lost, the humans head was cut off. If the chief won the chess game, Ginghis let him live and spared the chiefs town/tribe massacre and moved on peacably, if the chief lost the chess game, Ghinghis slaughtered the chief and his village.
I think this guy will top out at 400 and explode. I had to take 2 showers after talking to him to get rid of his bad dharma horsemeat stench. Horses revenge on Ghinghis? He says he is obese because he is abused at his cush job as a crooked lazy evil tax collector head/slave driver. A job you would expect reincarnate Ghinghis Kahn to get.
Haha. Just serious.
He is in debt because he spends all his money on food/meat/horsemeat gluttony.
He is a study in pathological dharma, not everyone is meant to be a fruitarian. Will see if he implodes or loses 150 pounds on his own. Or gets eaten on his next trip to Hati, he goes to hati for vacation to 'mooch' off the poor hatians, read obese white euro guy buys sex for 50 cents from environmentally devistated hatiians and covers his predations under, going to hati to help, bs. Dharma plays itself out in individual ways based on the individuals thought, action and purity of motive. Will see. From a distance....I can't handle some meat eaters stench and bad dharma up close, it is too odious.