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Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes
thinker2012 Views: 3,977
Published: 13 y

Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes

I noticed eating creature flesh/animal meat causes the human mind and body to become flooded with death vibrations from the dead creatures/dead animals dna, gene codes and chemical releases, the chemicals the animal excreted before it was slaughtered go directly into the human biosystem and seek expression.

When humans eat other creatures/ flesh meat, they experience the death vibe, the eugenics vibe, the slaughter vibe, and bio chemical reaction of the slaughtered creature/animal.

I talked to an obese, former Military person from Europe who was addicted to eating creatures/animals/ eating meat, specifically, horse meat.

I noticed the obese person was politically obsessed in his thinking with war, eugenics, killing people, being killed, and other genocide and death issues found in the heavy creature/meat eaters war systems and sick health care systems in USA nd Europe.

When I talk to heavy creature eaters/meat eaters, I feel like I am talking to dead creature/dead animal graveyards.

When I eat dead creatures/animal flesh, I feel same, like a dead creature tomb. I have been fruitarian long enough to notice I experience the death chemicals the animals excreted when they were captured, herded, farmed, killed, slaughtered, etc.

Heavy meat eaters are always so full of death they no longer notice the death chemical and death vibes they incorporate into themselves every time they eat yet another slaughtered creature or creature part.

Eating creatures/animal flesh sucks and has a bad effect on humans.

Go fruitarians.


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