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Re: Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

thinker2012 Views: 3,820
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Re: Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes

hi matrix,

vegan food  VEGETABLES are awful! dirt food, beast food-Genesis 1:30, giraffe food, cow food-hay, horse food, dog food- green grass, vegetables are dirt rock mineral franken foods that clog the kidneys, vegetables=compost matter in peoples bellies.

meat eaters use beast food, animal greens to try to pull, chelate the animal diseases they get from ingesting animal meat out of thier body.

i do not know what candida is, i do not believe in diagnosis, imo it is all a pyramid scam. 10000001 lost leader misdiagnosises to keep people clogged, dumb and sell them wrong food and wrong stuff to keep them sick, fat, congested, sleepy, in debt, brain fog food clogged, con-fused and asleep with foregien objects stuffed in thier mouths, bellies, bodies, bio machines, temples. Foregien objects = wrong food.

Fresh fruit and herbs are the only optimal human food, see Genesis 1:29

pranarian joachim werdin has a pranarian support and info group at  Joachim Werdin has a free ebook on this link and there are many youtube breatharian videos, joachim werdin is the most common sense breatharian

breatharian jasmuheen is good but she is a bit too celestial for me, i try to focus on one planet or dimension at a time and keep matter/visible and spirit/invisible separate. jasmuheens 4 free ebooks do not download well, she has some good youtube free videos though, she skips over fruitarian transition diet which i disagree with, going from meat or vegan to prana is WAY too hard

there is a fruitarian transition ebook  i like called,  flat abs in forty days,  by  J. Larsen,  that ebook is a complete comprehensive fruitarian primer with some prana info.

the reason i suggest prana study is, if you can grasp pranarian, fruitarian liquidarian is a fun breeze.

from meat to vegan was easy, just eat almonds, nuts  for protien fear AKA wrong beliefs, vegan to fruitaruian transition is the BEST, fruitarian gets rid of all diseases and foregein objects and with fruitarian you immediately feel the good stuff, good energy,cleaner blood,  etc after a week or two.

the other best fruitarian book is an ebook called, mucusless diet, by arnold erhardt, he is an old author, one of the earlier european fruitarians, he is a bit dated but the ebook is good and free.

as for me, my weight is slender, perfect for my frame, weight maintained by fruitarian diet, my hair grows full, long and fast, my  eyes and skin are clear, i swim a lot and unknown men and women always compliment me on my figure or ask me how i keep in such good shape, i tell them fruitarian diet swimming, sunshine and walking or sometimes i just say i eat 'a light diet and swim a lot',  if i see they could not comprehend fruitarian liquidarian diet.

the only free metaphysical non gimmick, self mind programing info site that is good is

other metaphysicians and metaphysical sites are occult, hidden or more obscure and hard to understand or cost money.

hilton hotema, pranarian has some free ebooks online, google him.

the best prana blogger is reading this guy makes liquidarianism fruitarianism seem like a daily feast or a cornicopia of abundance :) :)



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