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Re: Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes
thinker2012 Views: 3,653
Published: 13 y
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Re: Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes

I use to be a gourmand, a greedy eater, ate every animal you can think of. Gourmet style.

It did me no good. Grains, meat, milk, vegetables made me sick stupid smelly sleepy fat, pimply, greasy hair,  dimmed my consciousness and bloody rare meat made me  aggressive and lazy with no energy, toward the end of my gourmet life, i could not walk 26 steps without needing to sit my fat rich food filled a-s down..

With fruitarian living, 8 years now, I can walk miles in the sunshine happily, my sweat smells like ambrosia, I have great energy, not one dead bloody nightmare or pimple, beautiful hair that grows fast, clear skin, clear eyes, 100 times more productive and i have good thoughts 98% of the time unless i spend a long time with a heavy pig eater or a horse eater, then i pick up thier animal sick stupid vibes and need to take to showers to wash away the pigs happy in the pig slop mud pen vibes.

Imo if you eat an animal, a sentient being,  you will be eaten by an animal, in this life or after. karma, dharma .

Eating a wild free creature is just as nasty as eating a tortured caged creature. One day a creature that eats humans will eat you and remark how succulent you are because you are wild fed.

haha just serious

ps. i don't imply. i state. although i do speculate from time to time

everyone is free to CHOOSE.

I CHOOSE to not stuff dead forgein objects down my gullet or into my mouth

I am a metaphysician and pollution does not bother me. I just know many humans are meant to be fruitarians and more and are brainwashed by food peddlers and thier food lies. I post primarily to let other fruitarians pranarians inedites fasters and food conscious eaters etc seek alternative information. I tell all meat eaters, enjoy your cows butt, eat two or three or four or five cows butts, no skin off my teeth.


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