13 y
Voodooo in the Vibes...
"I noticed lots of young people getting very sick and dying before age 40 from meat and food caused diseases."
I will go out on a very small limb and guess that you have never done anything more then observe - that people around you may be sick. Whether it is from eating this or that or breathing in this or that or ingesting this......
Well lets just say I would love to see the evidence. Beyond the fact there are a lot of unhealthy people around you (in the world). Which I don't doubt.
"It did not take me 5 phds from oxford to figure out meat milk grains vegetables fowl and fish made people sick."
I will go out on even a smaller limb and say that if I was a betting Man then I would venture that you have never been to college. Maybe even High School. Anyone can throw up sh*t on the internet. But I will say this......
You luv to stir the pot. Whether it is cuz you are bored, or just f*cking with us, or have stumbled upon a reptilian masterpiece.... Well who knows.
And they say that Cain caught Abel rolling loaded die hehe...