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grz, Fruit Eating=Solar Power= Solar Radiance

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grz, Fruit Eating=Solar Power= Solar Radiance

hi grz, i live on an island in a tropical climate. i eat coconuts often, sometimes daily year round. 3 coconut trees produce fruit year round and yeild enough fruit, drupe fruit, more then enough, to sustain one human for life.

i eat mono fruit, one or two different fruit a day or for a few days or a week or for a month or two or three, however long the harvest season is, ORANGE is my favorite daily fasting fruit, papayas, guavas, coconuts, oregano, limes and herbs etc grow and are harvested and yield year round, other fruits have seasons, orange harvest is jan through august, berry harvest is all summer, grapefruit harvest is sept through june, lemon harvest, well i eat lemons year round, am on a lemon kick for awhile, grape harvest is august and september, strawberry harvest is october through june, lychee fruit harvest july and august, peach harvest june through september, mango are may through september, pineapple is year round, i am overfull of pineapple, ate too much pineapple, pear harvest, apple harvest is mid august through february, avocado fruit harvest is june through january, small red hot chili peppers are year round, melons are harvested march through july, figs august and september, pecans and nuts are harvested june through august, i do not care for bannana, they are too bloating and nuts do nothing for me. olives are a fruit i sometimes buy in a store and i love olive oil. Garlic and thyme grow year round. As stated, many herbs and fruits i like, yield year round, are harvested year round.

all the harvest fruits are in such abundance they are sold cheapest in season and flown and shipped all over the earth.

i ate so much good fruit for the last 8 years that prana eating is easier for me, i like to water fast and moonlight fast and sunlight fast and tree hug fast, and sea breeze fast, to subjectively check out the nourishment effects of different pranas and different cosmic soups.

i gave up a lot to live in a tropical year round fruit harvesting climate, and never regretted one day of it.

i avoid franken fruit and i have planted more trees then i can count, i have fruit trees and herbs surrounding my home and see lush fruit bearing, fragrant edible fruit flower and edible fruit leaf and flowering sweet smelling bud blossoming fruit trees, edible flowers, herbs and lush foilage in every direction for miles around me, good store bought fruit is just as tasty as my fruit trees or the local fruit trees, all fruit, comes from the trees to the store.

the root system of the trees purify the fruits water. i do not eat bark. cherry bark is okay for coughs, i no longer cough, so i just eat the cherries in season. I mostly juice the fruits of the trees and eat some herbs as noted above. i grow or buy spice seeds to play with, dill seeds, chives, cardamom, ginger, clove, cinnomon, fennel seeds, i want to plant dandelions next.

i am not fancy so i do not eat many edible wildflowers. many people do. artichoke is an edible wildflower, i eat a few artichokes a year if i get a taste to experience them.

food creates the blood, if fruit juice is your blood, you get sun solar powered radiation in you, SOLAR ENERGY, COSMIC RADIATION. no worms or diseases live in you and you will have 100x more energy on SOLAR POWER STORAGE, FRUIT FOOD.

in korea, coconut milk is used for blood transfusions.

everything non fruit that draco run pyramid schools and expert special money interests teach and sell commercially in the pyramid draco world is a lie to kill and make humans ill and stupid and make draco elitists filthy rich and thier lackies filthy monied.

fruit is the only healthy optimal human food.

i am a  person living on an island full of super wealthy elitists, i live where the poor indigenous local island gardeners live. i prefer the modest gardeners as my close neighbors over the large living elitists. i see what they eat. i know who eats what by looking at them in swimsuits, talking to them, seeing them, sharing recipes and getting a whiff of them. fruitarians smell like ambrosia and are bright, alert, they radiate sunshine and emit solar light. animal eaters smell like dead animals and are clogged and dull. vegans are wormy composte piles full of dirt grown vegetable dirt matter. A large group of the elitists live on fruits year round, they are fit slim fully competent, solar powered internally by thier daily ingestion of solar ripened fruit and fruit juice, it is seen in thier countenance and aura, they are physically beautiful and they emit, RADIATE SOLAR RADIATION. the monied non elitists who eat gourmet animal flesh meat, milk, grain, dirt vegetables, are fat, mishappen, sometimes grotesque, it hurts my eyes to see the overweight and obese in a bikini or mans swimsuit, they look so unhealthy with huge milk paste body rolls and huge bile acid, meat mix skin swellings and flesh folds hanging, distending out of them, they are the sick fodder for the draco sick mills/rep/rockefellor hospitals on the mainland.

as a metaphysician i do not complain my juicy sun ripened lemons or grapefruits from my yard are not what they were 10,000 years ago, the lemon juice and fruit does me fine as they are today, store bought lemons if CHOSEN correctly are delicious.

anyone almost anywhere can live on fruit, fruit distribution is global now and most regions have thier own seasons, even artic peoples eat berries herbs prana and pine teas etc as food. people of the coldest region on earth, an isolated artic penninsula lives on 2 crops, salmon and salmon caviar, they are ok, rugged but not especially long lived or happy people as they import grain with thier only cash crop of salmon and salmon roe. frozen artic is a hard place to live unless you are pranarian and like prana snow and pine needle soup, which artic residents eat. the artic settlers were originally pranarians.

pranarians can and do live everywhere, city pranarians are just a bit more sooty, soot covered then forest or country or mountain top or island pranarians, prana eating starts in the bio program of the MIND, THE INDIVIDUALS THOUGHTS MANIFEST AND RUN THE BODY PROGRAM.

thoughts are things. thoughts precip and manifest into matter. THOUGHT IS EVERYTHING and follows universal set principles.

I hope i answered your question, it was a normal question and sorry if i rambled on too long.

Fruits as produce and herbs are mentioned over 1,871 times in the bible for a reason. Fruit is the only non harmful true human food.

A fruitful life to all. A life full of good fruits and good prana to all.





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