do you smoke cigarettes?
i met this gal one time who worked in a massage parlor
thought she was very interesting, so i proceeded to befriend her
she was trying to convince me to become vegetarian
she smoked pall mall cigarettes
sucking on a ciggy with a deep inhale and growly voice she said,
"i don't eat meat"
she says this in a very wise and serious and superior manner
i was raised on a farm and we had this cow that was mean
raised him from a little bitty thing
he was sweet at first but.....
when he grew horns he started coming after us and
i didn't mind eating him a bit
so i never heard of vegetarianism
you eat your pets where i come from
and i couldn't imagine why she wouldn't want to have a steak
so i says to her,,,,, "why NOT?" (eat meat)
"makes me too aggressive" she growled
i thought that was pretty funny coming from somebody who had sex for a living
and wondered what she could stop eating to change her occupation
or if all hookers are vegetarian
sooo.... just curious if you smoke cigarettes????