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'Infer' blackandgold aka bag
thinker2012 Views: 3,817
Published: 13 y
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'Infer' blackandgold aka bag

see... look here blackandgold.

sly vet does not need to 'infer'

sly vet thinks and types

sly vet discloses on a forum, and is clear about it's diet choice.

did you learn to 'infer' in 'inferno'  school bag aka blackandgold?

Since your off, fruit topic, bag and you want to talk human 'schools', my question for you is, did you pay your student loan money back yet? was infer no school costly for you? did you graduate? was your infer no degree worth the tuition you owe? and the interest?

Bag, I want to see evidence, that you paid your student loans.

By the by-I am not infering you owe student loan money or are in student loan debt. I am saying based on the type of infer post you made, you owe student loan money as only certain schools of humans 'infer.' the rest of us type clearly about our diet choices.

Attn Bag: Please submit proof that you have paid off your student loan debt.

Thank you.


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