Re: Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes
my ancestors come from a planet in another galaxy
there are millions and millions of us on earth
we have been here off and on since 25,000, 40,000 BCE
i, we, certain et's ancestors do not like to eat sentient beings, animals or get clogged by non, earth human food. we avoid eating animals because dead animal flesh clogs our brains and makes us sleepy, forget our gifts, lose our abilities, forget our true ancestors and makes us sick and fat, plus, it's not nice to eat living things that run away from you and do not want to die and rot in your body.
thank you for not making fun of et's.
i will try not to be unkind to animal and dirt vegetable food eaters
i just understand that meat grains and vegetables make them sick and ill, congested and clogged.
and fruit and herbs are the only true foods to eat on earth to stay healthy
maybe some et's that i do not know, eat meat, but i only know of the et reptilians who eat meat, human meat, and they are very evil to humans and other et's. no one likes them-reps-they are the devils and fallen ones, in the old bibles.