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Re: Cutaneous Larva Migrans / Hookworm
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Re: Cutaneous Larva Migrans / Hookworm

I submitted two separate stool samples (2 different labs) yesterday but I don't have my hopes up. If you read the general description that I just gave in my reply to CLEW my parasite cycle begins under the skin above my earlobes where the eggs are (hopefully "were") being stored, the larva migrate to my sinuses and enter my entire system. Whether that will show on a standard O&P stool test remains to be seen I guess. The fungal conditions you mention could possibly be there as a secondary infection thing I guess but I really doubt it. Anyway a fungus is small-potatoes to the parasite thing and, to be honest, I don't want to give any fuel to that fire until the parasite is completely eliminated. Every doctor I've run into so far wants to write-off the problem as 'fungal' so they can write me off and move-on to the next patient. Since the 70's when this thing was first diagnosed I suspected it wasn't seborrhea, so for decades I've been trying every anti-fungal med, diet, regimen known to man with no results. Like you said, get rid of the parasite first, than you can bet I'll concentrate on the other stuff.

I've got a couple of stratagies I plan to try to help sell my case. One is getting a sonogram of the area where the adults congregate just below the skin, seeme to me a sonogram has GOT to show them. Another is to blow-up all my pictures I've taken up to poster size! How can anyone deny it's a parasite when you're looking at a huge photo of migration tunnels going across my face, or the hooks digging into my skin like staples, or an actual adult parasite crawling out of hole beside my nose?!! I also have some filarform-stage worms in my freezer that fell out of my eyes last month that I'm going to get analyzed, I just need to find-out who's the most reliable lab in the country. Somehow, someway, I'm going to find the proper care for my problem, or I'll die trying!!!


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