AMEN! Your story is so simililar to mine...and yes I agree it must be the fear of objecting previous diagnosis esp. To avoid malpractice suits. Jive been mis diagnosed many many times. I still have no friggin clue as to what these things are....have deep DEEP wounds all over my arms, face, palms, legs. So bad on my fingers n cuticles. It seems they are concentrated here and under nails. I have hard dry calloused skin without external causes yet under it is deep holes and tunnels and slits. It esp. Seems to me that once you have ANY opening in your skin these thing are either going there or are just everywhere and coincidentally just exposed upon opening. No matter how superficial the area is if it opens it just doesn't heal.. Never fully. Even shaving... I'm scared all over.. After many many dr. Visits I convinced myself that it can't be parasites. But I can no longer deny it. I'm here, back on cure zone looking for direction. I'm to the point I just wish it would kill me all ready. My body is deteriorating. Is there a common factor here that WE ALL HAVE IN COMMON? Animals perhaps? Location? I just don't know. But it helps to know that I am not alone in this.