I have corresponded with a sufferer who is now cured. We believe he had River Blindness Worms or Cutaneous Larvae Migrans. This is caused by the bite of a tiny black fly.
He spent a year in hospital in Germany in the mental health unit as he was at high risk of suicide.
If you want to read his story he is on Topix Scabies as the Poster
In UK2.
Topix Scabies is ruined now as there is a resident troll who is psychotic and posts as myriad posters.
My friend is cured now but will take Ivermecting every six months for the rest of his life. His partner was cured in the UK in a University hospital with two weeks of intravenous Ivermectin. I dont know the name of the hospital but can find out if anyone is interested.
We correspond by email.
While waiting to find the doctor or test to prove what you have, begin aggressive long term treatment, cos the rest is not going to happen, I am afraid. Sorry.