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Re: Cutaneous Larva Migrans / Hookworm
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Re: Cutaneous Larva Migrans / Hookworm

No it doesn't look like any of your pix, the adults have segmented bodies like a caterpiller with a suc***&hook mouth somewhat like a hookworm. It's body is covered with triangular-shaped 'hooks', each having what appears to be an 'eye' in it's center. When they position themselves over a break in the skin (like a wound) these 'eyes' will actually grow, indicating that the creature craves light. The remaining hooks are utilized to adhere it's body to the underside of my epidermis. I've taken several pix of one trying to escape from it's hole after I kept dousing it with a pyrantel pamoate liquid I mixed up. I'll post some pix as soon as I get used to all this new equipment I just bought. I think these things have been with me a long time because my health has been steadily declining for years. Since discovering this parasite a year ago I've gone thru my health records and noticed I had been complaining to doctors since the 80's and kept getting the same tests and the same 'positive' results. The skin problem on both temples was always attributed to "Seborrhea" accompanied with the same: "just learn to live with it". Last Sunday I shaved both sides of my head and it revealed I still had egg resevoirs hidden under the skin there! I thought I had isolated all of it but a big part was still hiding under the hair. I think I now have a handle on what this thing's life cycle was. the eggs were layed and stored in the "seborrhea" patches above my ears, then the larva migrated to the veins near my eyes where they entered my bloodstream via captured emissary veins. Just recently I discovered how the larva are moved: the adults actually lay side-by-side under the 'migration tunnel/emissary vein and work together like a bucket brigade at a fire! After realizing this I've been mashing/massaging/squashing whatever it takes to break-up this assembly line, keeping the larva from reaching "open waters" so to speak. These devils have been doing this on a small scale for years, remaining undetected all that time until they made their grand offensive last November. Now my life revolves around ridding myself of these monsters. The thing that I've found most distressing is the utter closed-minded ignorance I've run into from so-called medical professionals when it comes to the subject of parasites. I am now retired with more than enough money to go anywhere, pay for any treatment, etc., to get this problem taken care of, but after seeing (so-far): 3 primary care, 7 Derm, 2 infectionous disease, and a host of ER personal (3 visits), I still have gotten nowhere. Even when I show them the photos, point out the hooks sticking out of my skin, my blood-stained ankles, swollen balls of my feet where you can see tiny dead worms under the skin, subcutaneous "migration lines" all over my face and body, etc, etc, they still refuse to admit to the obvious: it's a parasite problem, not fungal, not seborrhea, PARASITES! To me it's obvious there are two factors causing this: 1) They are all afraid to strike-down a previous ruling. Doctors have diagnosed my condition as Seborrhea for decades and these days no doctor is going to dispute another's diagnosis no matter what the consequence for the patient. 2) Diagnosing a patient with a parasitic problem takes too much time. It's something that's unusual (only because they miss so many) so that means they'll have to tax their brains and look for a parasitologist, order the proper tests/labwork, all things that require just a little bit more time than they're used to giving a patient, time that they could be applying towards their next faceless dolt being run through their money-mill. What happened to doctors who would look at an unusual disease as a challenge? Who's greatest satisfaction would come from curing someone and getting their life back on track? I seriously haven't experianced a good doctor since I was a kid, 50 yrs ago.

Thanks for responding, it really helps to talk to others with similar problems.


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