Re: I want to leave my Narcissist.
There is just no telling what will happen...period. Maybe nothing.
Even you, yourself, may awaken one morning and find it is all over, you are free, and luck out on an opportunity the very same afternoon. You may find all your perceived 'obligations' melt, people take on their own new solutions and leave you nothing to do or be 'responsible' for.
ANYTHING could happen, even the happiest things of all.
But, we can't predict that.
I sincerely apologize for my post above. Advice on a web bulletin board is so 'iffy'. I might say exactly the right things for you, or not.
Tell me to go jump in a lake. Say, "cancel," to all I suggested.
I believe I know where you are...and it ain't fun.
Just know this...
...Thousands have been there before you, thousands are there now, and thousands will experience what you are going through, in the future.
And, know this...
There is an end to this. There is a day when you will laugh and smile and enjoy life.
It is physically impossible to cry forever. Your body won't let you.
I remember the time when I had to think, "What are my worries for today?" a half second after waking up in the morning.
I had to pull on my depressions like a cloak. That's when I realized I was being silly. Why would I want to feel depressed, etc., every day?
When I saw what *I* was doing, I knew I had to stop it, and find other things to think about.
Took me a while, but I made it.
I was so surprised that there 'were' other ways to think...and to feel.
And, no, other people didn't fall apart because of my actions, my choices. They each had far more resources than I had ever guessed.
And, I was one who cried before my lawyer, too.
He told me, as we were coming to the close of my case, that some people can come to one lawyer, state what they both want in the divorce, and have the lawyer draw up the necessary papers. Then they come in together, sign the papers, shake hands, and each goes their own way...peacefully.
That's the way it should be, I think.
I am so glad you have a counselor you trust.
You are going to make it, just fine, Jus Me. There is a whole world of wonderful possibilities, waiting for you. You'll see.
It usually takes about a year of confusion before you get your legs under you once more. Ask your counselor if that's true. And ask her to describe how you'll feel when this time of change is over.
And tell me to go jump in a lake.
I don't mind.
My very best,