I have been with my husband for 10 1/2 years and married for 9 of those years. I have always felt jealous and suspicious but also he gives me indicators that he's a cheater. In my quest to find out why I feel this way and to find out who my husband really is I discovered that he is a narcissist. I have always noticed the selfishness, the competitveness and all of the things on the list that a narcissist is. He never apologizes and only pretends to understand my feelings. He has a holyer than thou attitude and often tricks me to get what he wants. I am tired of it and I don't want to feel this way anymore. All I have ever wanted is a trusting relationship; to be in love. Now I know that I am with a man who is not capable of that. I am so relieved to know that I'm not crazy or mental as he calls me. Unfortunately we have a business together and I have a couple of family members and employees working for us and I don't want anyone to be affected by this. How do I get out of this without losing everything? I know he'll be angry. There's been a time when I confronted him about something and he put holes in my walls and another time he rushed me with his shoulder because he didn't like what I was saying; I didn't even know that I was affecting him or that he was angry; he had no facial expression.
I want to move on even if that means being alone for a long time which is something I've always been afraid of. At this point I find hapiness in that thought.