Rhonda Asks: 40-day fast & liver cleanse?
I am on day 23 of the
Master-Cleanse and will be doing a liver cleanse after I finish. I plan on doing a 40 day fast. How many days after the cleanse do I have to wait to do this? Should I do the
parasite cleanse before or after I do the liver cleanse? And how many days between these two cleanses? I am a novice at all of this. I have never done any cleanses or flushes, etc. I have always been really healthy (albeit overweight) except for chronic sinus/allergy problems.
Thanks for your help,
Hi Rhonda, sorry for the delayed responce on my behalf, i was busy moving and it took me longer than anticipated.
With regards to fasting, I recommend doing this cleanse Before the fast. You can do it after as well, but you need to wait about a week in order to get your body adjusted to taking food again. You can do it for 3-4 days, once a day and then rest about 3-4 days and then go again for another 3-4 days egg/lime cleansing. Enjoy it, it is really pleasant and fun and you get out a lot of stuff!
please share your results with the rest of us!
love and respect,