Mercedes Asks: May it be painful?
Hello, I have been reading your posts about the simple
Liver Flush and it looks great thanks for sharing it.
I have some questions:
-How often can I do it?
-May it be painful? (only for being ready)
-The best time is... before bed?... in the morning?...
I did one Clark's flush just saturday.
Thanks for your atention, blesses.
Hi Mercedes,
To answer your questions, you can do the flush every day, once a day. You can practice it for 3-4 days in a row, then take a break of a few days, then continue until it tastes good. Once it stop tasting good, it's time to stop because your body is telling you it doesn't need it any more. This is only the case with RAW foods, not cooked ones. Could it be painful? No, it is not a painful procedure - the cleanse is quite pleasant actually. I recommend doing the cleanse whenever you feel comfortable doing it. Make sure you will be home in the next 5 hours, so as to do the enema. I have personally done the cleanse during the day, as I love looking at the yolks and limes in natural daylight. Please share with the rest of us the restuls of your cleanse :)
love and blessings for the new year!