Jeff Asks: Leaving the eggs out?
I'm getting ready to do the cleanse, but should I leave the eggs out all
week? Or leave just a few out and use them, then take more out later in
t he week?
Hi Jeff, when you buy eggs, never put them in the fridge. this distorts the chemical formula of the eggs and they are never the same. an egg has the least cholesterol in the first 5 days after laying and then the cholesterol begins to increase, but it is good cholesterol, not bad, like when the egg is cooked. i certainly do not recommend to anyone to consume cooked eggs. So, go to the store, buy a carton of eggs and just leave it open on your counter. They can last like this for ages and will always be good for consumption. the only time you may want to throw out an egg is if it has cracked and it smells bad.
Enjoy the magical potion!
Love in all fours!