Alex Asks: Should I use malic acid?
Hi- how are you? I read one of your threads on the egg yolk cleanse. very interesting. i have done many
Liver Flushes and produced many stones. it has helped my situation but i am curious about this flush. do i need to prepare first with malic acid? and what about
Epsom Salts ? how long after can i eat? how long after do i do an enema? and should you do this everyday? take a break?
i actually drank for the first time an egg yolk today as a breakfast. :)
thanks for any info.
Hi Alex,
Egg yolks are a very potent potion indeed :)
Regarding your questions, i will be happy to answer them for you:
malic acid - no you do not need any malic acid whatsover
Epsom Salts - revolting in my opinion. i do not use them, they don't taste organic.
eating should be done at least 4 hours prior to the cleanse, the best way is not to eat anything that day. this ensures the best results.
you will do the enema about 4-5 hours after the potion-drinking. but it is different for everyone. I would say wait at least 4-5 hours before doing the enema.
You can do it daily for 3-4 days in a row, then take a break for 3 days and start back up again and practice for as long as it tastes good. this is your body's indication that you still need it.
I hope you achieve the results you seek - i know you will :)
please share with the rest of us!
love and blessings,