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Joe Asks: Lots of flushing, I still have problems!

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Joe Asks: Lots of flushing, I still have problems!

I was reaidng about your egg yolk/lime/safflower oil liver flush. Do you think this is better than the epsom salt/lime/olive oil one that Dr. Clark recommends? I did a Colon Cleanse using Oxypowder months ago and it seemed to really get a lot of "crap out". But I still get acne, still have dark circles, and my Acne scars from years ago won't seem to vanish, which I read could be a result from the liver. Do you think the Liver Flushing will help with these?


Hi Joe,

To say that my flush is better than the others would not be fair. they all have good and bad sides. the bad sides being discomfort more than anything else. My flush does not have discomfort, but sometimes it produces a different kind of shluff than the convetional flush. I am very fond of all flushes, but one thing you MUST not forget is that you need to get to the root of the problem. Where do the problems originate from? I have two answers to most problems: They originate from: 1. debris in the colon (this is easily cleansed with a daily warm-water enema) and the second one: 2. Your teeth. Yes, your mouth is a very dangerous place where many of the worst deseases originate. and to be even more specific, I will tell you that your root canal teeth are the problem. You can flush all you want and cleanse your colon all day every day and you will still continue to have recurring health problems.

I just had a root-canal molar tooth pulled and let me tell you; I saw the light of day! the next day littres upon littres of bright-yellow liquid came out of me and my sinus infection dissapeared and I felt like I was born again.

So, think about this for a moment and consider it as one of your options. The first step is to get a panoramic x-ray done.

Love and peace to you and everyone around,




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