GSE enema results and questions
Hi, thanks for reading.
I have been struggling with intestinal problems for about 3 months.
The problem seems to be until I eliminate all waste and then I feel better. I was seeing an applied kineseologist who said that my houston's valves - the valves that close the rectum from the large intestine were not closing properly.
On friday, saturday, and again today I did
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract enemas.
Prior to the enema's I felt my usual sleepy/dizzy/ eye pain, blurred vision, sensitivity to light.
After the enema process, I felt instantly better. My body relieved, symptoms gone. There was white junk that came out in the enema. Sometimes I have little white balls in bowel movements and I had these in bowel movements this weekend, but I also had bowel movements of pure white junk from the Grape fruit seed extract enema.
I think I have leaky gut + bacterial imbalance which is causing endotoxins to be released. I also have the valve problem, and I think toxicity puts pressure on my liver which causes my problems and drains my adrenal glands.
I would like to have someone other opinions on this. I have many symptoms of candida, but they are the same symptoms as leaky guy, adrenal fatique, houston's valve problems.
I think this week I am going to look into getting tested, I guess with Geneva labs, regarding leaky gut. In the past I tested with Metametrix twice but still have the ongoing problem.
Also, I have read so many threads on here and the internet as a whole and there seems to be no consensus on what the white stuff is that comes out!
I have had tons of tests with medical dr's, seen nature paths, and have made progress finding some things and fixing them along the way. But I have not been able to get it right, and have tried so many things, I am working to narrow down a final diagnosis so I am not working in the dark.
I have fatigue, generally problems around the eyes, I am toxic at times during the day to the point that I get heat rash if getting hot prior to a bowel movement. After a bowel movement I often feel better - the floaters/eye pain disapears. but it always comes back. I have many other typical symptoms of bowel problems - listed on all the webpage and here - but the biggest difference seems to be the rashes/eye pain that come prior to bowel movements and then go away.
If anyone could help point me in the right direction I would be much appreciated. I have tried many things.