Re: Lets Play!!
My doctor only uses the lat dorsi for most of her testing, and does alot of localization, mostly with the glands. she seems to be very accurate, as she has picked up evreything that has be found in medical, electronic, and iridology diagnosis, she is deffinatly VERY intuitive. can I ask where you learned AK?? I found a really great two year program in sweden that i am seriously considering. the only courses i can find in canada are just weekend courses. It has always been my understanding that to get into the 'official' AK you must first be a doctor (medical, chiro, naturopath, osteopath) I would deffinatly prefer to learn kinesiology now, so i can have it masterd by the time i am a done med school.
I must also point out that I feel kinesiology can be a great tool for testing the strenght of organs, glands, and meridians. Im not so sure about testing supplements or allergy testing, I know I have read that AK is something like 97% accurate to traditional allergy tests, but I would still like to do more research. I would also like to know more about the 'allergy elimination techniques' that have recently been poping up all over the usa and canada, they are making some pretty outragous claims (such as reversing deadly
food allergy s and anaphalypsis) I would like to talk to people who have had succes with theese treatments.
now for the calibrations!
heres what I got.
the accuracy of AK allergy testing callabrated at 900
the truth of the book "eating alive 2" by DR.John Matsen callabrates at 780
the truth of the king james bible callabrates at around (just below) 600
let me know what answers you get