I am so sorry that you are experiencing these trust-shattering experiences. You've had some superb advice - ACT ON IT, NOW. Don't wait for "something" to happen or for someone to make the call for you. Call Child Protective Services, immediately, and they will contact the police. A full investigation will be conducted and this will include a physical exam. Retrieve any/all physical evidence that may still exist, if you can.
You're a brave person to put your experiences into words and your courage will see you through this horrible part of your life safely and securely onto your healing path. Something that you may want to keep in mind is that your mother is probably being abused, as well. She may be turning a "blind eye" to what's been happening to you because she's probably been threatened that you will be taken away from her, forever, if she does ANYthing that might get this rat-bastid into prison. This is a threat that many abusers use to make sure that there is no interference in their heinous activities.
Take heart, dear one. As I said, you're very brave and this courage will help you to process all that's happened to you. You did nothing to deserve it, and you're NOT a bad person because this monster did what he did to you. You are not responsible for the actions of another adult. This person did all of this to you because he could - that's the only reason. Now, get on the phone, contact CPS, tell them EVERYTHING, and you and your mother will be taken to safety, and the rotten catfish will be thrown into jail.
My most sincere best wishes to you!
To contextualize how obscene their request is, only 7 countries in the whole world exceeded a GDP of $2.75 trillion in 2020... all for exposing a government sponsored hoax!
Was ordered to deny white men training spots...
I am horribly sorry to read of your experiences. And, I'm going to hazard a guess that you never told anyone about the crimes that were committed against you, and I understand, but I'm going to share a fact with you: supressing such a traumatic event and not reporting it as a crime doesn't make the experience disappear, even over time.
When a person experiences a traumatic assault that ends with a sexua| assault, this one event can define a victim for the rest of their lives unless they take action and get involved in some very serious counseling. Aside from PSTD, sexua| dysfunction, and misplaced "shame," the effects of this type of experience infiltrate every action, choice, and decision that a victim makes. I know this from personal experience, and I never reported my experiences to anyone until my patterns became so pronounced that they nearly destroyed me, personally.
That you experienced an erection during a sexua| assault isn't uncommon - that's what you will learn to process and understand in strong counseling therapy and group support. Sadly, we often associate physiological reactions with "pleasure" under such circumstances, and we actually feel SHAME for this loss of control and our own body's betrayal of a clearly violent attack. The attack wasn't about sexua| gratification - it was strictly about power, control, abuse, and violence. PERIOD.
I would strongly encourage you to consider seeking counseling to process what you've experienced. Some websites for you to research:
What you experienced was a violent attack perpetrated by criminals. The sexua| assault is termed, "sexual," ONLY because those acts are classified for legal clarity and has nothing to do with sex, sexua| attraction, or sexuality, ON ANY LEVEL. You were a victim of VIOLENCE, and this one event can affect every relationship that you have, from family to friends to coworkers.
Take control of your life and what was done to you by getting involved in some good, strong counseling and support groups. The moment that you take a step to heal yourself of what was done to you, THEY LOSE and YOU WIN.
My most sincere best wishes to you
I'm so sorry that you had that experience and that you sound as if you've been able to process what had been done to you.
Male rape is one of "those subjects" that doesn't get a whole lot of insightful discussion OR sympathy - like the poster above, many (if not, most) people try to connect rape with their understanding of what it's all about, and what generally happens, and they have absolutely NO frame of reference to refer to.
Even women experience cllmax during rape - this doesn't mean that they enjoyed what had been done to them, or that they "wanted it." Physiology is physiology - rub a specific spot and BINGO.....
So, your rapist reaped what was sown, and I'm so sorry that your innocence and view of romance was ruined, and that the rapist was such a sick individual.
I am grateful that you're able to speak/type about your experience with insight and maturity.
Brightest blessings to you
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