kwinter -
Based on your history of liver problems, the following may be helpful for you in treating your parasitic infection.
Ref: Fluke Protocol - Praziquantel & Albendazole:
I suspect your history of liver issues & current discomfort may be caused by a colony of liver flukes and possibly other species of flukes that migrate to organs & systems in the genitourinary & gastrointestinal tracts.
Since your liver is impaired & you exhibit no other symptoms of a systemic infection in other areas of your body, suggest you stop taking the Albendazole.
Continue the Praziquantel, as noted in the protocol: 1 dose, 3 times daily, evenly spaced 6 hrs apart for 3 days. Rest liver for 7 days. Repeat this treatment cycle 2 more times. Flukes are very difficult to erradicate, & continued treatment may be necessary.
Tips for relief of Herxheimer Parasite Die-Off Syndrome:
Take Milk Thistle, 1 tab, 125mg, twice daily. This supplement helps to repair impaired liver functioning & provides support in eliminating toxins. Benefits of Milk Thistle:
Take NAC (N-acetyl cysteine), 1 tab, 600mg, 3 times daily. Benefits of NAC:
"N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is an amino-acid derivative (small protein) with over 40 years of scientific research to back it up. NAC’s powerful health benefits derive from its ability to restore intracellular levels of glutathione (GSH), which is the body’s most powerful antioxidant.
Glutathione is a very powerful antioxidant that helps the liver to protect you against toxicity, and it is most needed by those with liver disease. The stress of chronic liver disease depletes glutathione and this is why supplementing with one of its precursors, NAC helps to protect against ongoing liver damage.
NAC is a modified form of the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine. NAC replenishes intracellular levels of glutathione (GSH), which restores your cells’ ability to fight damage from free radicals known as reactive oxygen species."
Hope the above info helps you in your parasite battle.
Please update your progress within this thread so that all your info is available in one location. That will also enable other forum members to share their experiences & offer suggestions for you.
Sending healing thoughts your way.
Cheers - ICU
All My Parasite Drug Protocols:
Yep, confirmed. She covers pets on pp199-203 (Ibid.), and she cites an audio case history here:
In your position, I would consider this first before going down any other routes. It seems to tick all the boxes, and if you try it, please let us know the result.
I can't speak for the zapper, as my knowledge is only superficial. I know there are a lot of ineffective copycat machines out there that purport to replicate the Rife frequencies, so extreme care is needed in this area of anti-cancer protocols. Hopefully, a forum expert will come on board to advise you. Otherwise, may I suggest you join this forum, and put your question to the experts:
You may even find your questions have already been answered via a search of the forum archives.
How long to heal? Again, I'm not a vet or hepatic consultant, but users of Protocel typically report noticeable healing within a matter of weeks to a few months, and pain reduction within days. It is also important to continue the treatment long after the absence of visible signs of the tumor, to ensure every last cancerous cell has been lysed. I believe at least a year is recommended. As a ball-park guesstimate, I would have thought that full hepatic function could be restored within about 6 months or so.
As for what you're currently doing, there's a lot to be said for the scattergun approach. But be warned, Protocel works in a very specific way that is not compatible with some other protocols. Pierce covers these in chapt. 12, and you need to take special care that you're not giving Rover anything that might reduce its efficacy.
Actually no, not necessarily faster. In fact, it is arguably slower than most other protocols, but there is a very good reason for this. There's no point destroying the cancer faster than the body can get rid of it, otherwise you risk overloading the body's natural waste processing & elimination systems. The amount of oxidative stress resulting from this overload can create its own problems, and this should be avoided when one is already ill and vulnerable.
I'm pretty sure you're safe continuing with the Yunnan Baiyao - it isn't listed in the Avoid tables on p176, though Rife treatments are listed, so you'll have to stop zapping during Protocel treatment, I'm not aware of any adverse effects of Protocel on internal bleeding, but really, if you have any doubts or questions such as these, the best ppl to ask are the vendors themselves:
or (perhaps better still) the Protocel Support Forum:
As for how it works vis-à-vis the rest, Pierce gives an excellent description (pp123-128), & since I believe you now have her book, if you don't mind, I'd rather not duplicate work she has already done. If after reading her explanation you still have questions, then by all means get back to me, or again contact the support forum. They will have direct experience of its use that I can't match. My knowledge of this protocol is based purely on its reputed and reported efficacy.
Hope that helps, and of course you're very welcome.
Thanks for a very interesting point vairagi. However, you are mistaken on two counts.
Firstly, Pierce is not an MD. Her master’s degree is in clinical psychology, and she's a counselor by profession.
Secondly, and much more importantly, she does not discourage or reject the use of the protocols listed above. Not by any stretch. Indeed, most of them feature in other alternative protocols advocated in her excellent book, which should be required reading for every Curezone member, including my antagonist #461.
The point here, which I believe arises from your lack of understanding how Protocel works, is that the above-mentioned are specifically cited coz they are Protocel antagonists, ie they interfere with the cells' capacitance. They do this by causing a small increase in capacitance, which is fine in other protocols.
Protocel, on the other hand, works by precipitating a fractional decrease in cell capacitance, or voltage if you prefer. The small reduction is perfectly harmless to healthy cells, but lethal to anaerobic cancerous cells, which already subsist on a metabolic cliff edge, so to speak. Protocel 'pushes' them over that edge, resulting in apoptosis (self-destruction), while leaving healthy cells intact.
So you see, while your concerns over the above recommendations are perfectly understandable, they are in fact groundless. Pierce would say that the OP's anti-cancer protocols for 'Rover' are perfectly fine, but those mentioned above must be stopped if the OP wants to use Protocel. So it's not a question of never, but either/or. By all means continue with the above if you wish, but stay clear of Protocel if you do.
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