I was looking in other forums and I was not aware that curezone had a TMAU forum ('m usually putting stuff in the Body odor forum, anyway since people do need help here too I thought I would print this, I hope this helps.
For those who are still having trouble with fecal odor and BB I ran across this letter in the forum and thought I would share this because I think it will help some of you. It was written by Green Bay 27, a fewwyears ago, You can probaly look it up in the forum but any way here it is.,Please read.
How I CURED my Fecal Bad Breath Odor, you can too. by greenbay27
Background – Fecal BB, started in highschool. Now, 22 in last yr of College. Been suffering for about 7 yrs. Took a lot of antibiotics during preteen and teen yrs . I believe this is what impaired my immune and digestive system. Was treated for Hpylori and Acid Reflux in late teens but didn’t help with Fecal BB.
Feel your pain – I have experienced the same things you are. My Fecal BB could fill up a room. The who farted comments, the it smells like shit, people opening windows, covering noses etc. I however never had Nasal BB or Body odor, it was only Fecal BB when I talked. I have pretty much spent the last years of my life not talking to people other than family. School has been very tough but I’m proud of myself for hanging in there.
Nothing helped- I have tried it all- Threelac, Therabreath, Tri oral, Cholorphyll, etc You name it – I have tried it. My room is like a mini pharmacy. I have been treated for acid reflux, hpylori, and nothing helped.
Other symptoms – Constant bloating and cramps, IBS – constipation, Heartburn, bad skin, heart burn, white tongue etc. Chronic infections – Would always get a sore throat and painful ear ache whenever I binged on sugary/junk foods.
Breakthrough - I decided a few months ago that I would try EXTREMELY hard to cure this problem for once and for all, and do whatever it takes. I spent hours each day doing research. Learning as much as possible, reading all the success stories. A major breakthrough was realizing that even though it was chronic, it was much worse at certain times than others. Which got me thinking hard and realizing that the times it was worse was when I had eaten Red Meat, Dairy, Eggs or Beans. This was a major Breakthrough and eliminating these foods have been key, as well as doing other things. Towards the beginning of my diet, I also eliminated Fish and Chicken but I have added them back recently and still no Fecal BB.
Candida? - I was starting to doubt that Candida was a real problem because nothing I took for it worked and the diet seemed impossible. Then I remembered reading that someone cured their odor by taking a really large dosage of probiotics. They experienced die off symptoms and their odor went away. This person had fecal BO, not BB. But I decided to try it too, I took triple the dosage of a good probiotic and boy oh boy did I experience die off symtoms. It felt like a really bad hangover, Bad headache/dizziness but it went away after a few days and I have had such a different/cleaner taste in my mouth since then. I am now a believer in Candida/yeast overgrowth.
Steps to Take –
1) STOP Right away Right now – ALL Dairy, Red Meat, Egg and Beans (As well as any high sulfur/ smelly foods)
2) If Candida/yeast is a problem – Stop All sugars, junk and Alcohol.
3) Probiotics – Find a good probiotic, and take double or triple the dosage. Use what you feel is effective for you. Our digestive systems are in much worse conditions than others so our bodies require more. Remember the BB is a symptom.
4) Constipation – Work towards becoming more regular. You want to have at least 1 bowel movement a day. Taking blended flaxseed with some fruit and drinking lots of water has helped in keeping me regular. Plus it is important to regularly flush out all the toxins in your body.
5) Supplements – Take Calcium/Magnesium, Zinc, B Complex, Niacin, Double dosage of Vitamin C, and Biotin is said to help with Candida.
6) Digestive Enzymes – are a must. We need help with digesting foods so it’s a good idea to take this with every meal.
7) Antifungal – If Candida/yeast is a problem take a form of antifungal in either Grape Seed Extract, Garlic, Pau d’ Arco etc. I personally drink the Pau d’Arco tea.
Now I’m Fecal BB Free, I’m able to talk to people, make new friends, going out. The people who used to cover their noses now get in my face with zero reactions. It’s SURREAL.
Conclusion – My conclusion is our digestive system is significantly impaired and is the main cause of the Fecal BB. While I do not know exactly how or why it causes this problem in some people, I do believe that resolving the problems by putting back Good bacteria, killing yeast overgrowth, using digestive enzymes and regularizing bowel moments will help cure this problem.
I didn’t want to believe Candida was a real problem either but I now do. But I noticed I ALWAYS suffered from sore throats and ear infections within 24 hour of binging on junk foods. The constant bloating and cramping has now 100% stopped. I even binged on some junk foods a few days ago and I experienced zero discomfort. Please let me know if you have any questions. There is hope out there for every single one of us. Keep believing and know that God is ALWAYS faithful. I cry and hurt sometimes thinking about all the lost years, never going to prom, etc but I’m just VERY grateful to have my life back and to start LIVING life.
Hi Dolphin;
Actually I found that in a forum from years ago and I thought it would help people because so many were having this problem as well, so I decided to print it, but I have added those things to my regime because I have TMAU symthoms. I was always taking vitamins B2, folic acid, zinc, magnesium oxide,calcium citrate,vitamin C, and copper, and B12 (because it helps with digestion) digestive enzymes,Probotics and flaxseeds for regulation and cleansing my colon weekly) I take Lots and lots of Probotics and mitamins for BO. I started taking them and they work fine, they have ingredients like :Lactobacillius acidophillus, chlorella, golden seal andBromelian which is a digestive enzyme. I was also taking digestive enzymes but stopped because the mitamins already have the enzyme in them. I also take grape seed extract which is an anti fungal and so far things are good. i was taking chlorella but because of the choline I'm now down to may be 2 a day. In case anyone is interested in mitamins here is the site: www.mitamins.com/
"1) STOP Right away Right now – ALL Dairy, Red Meat, Egg and Beans (As well as any high sulfur/ smelly foods)"
Sounds to me like you have TMAU, LPN12345. This is exactly what most of us with TMAU do with our diets. Also, you dont need to have fishy odor to have tmau actually, you can have fecal BB only, eventhough a mix of both is most common I think. (Yes I know there are people with fecal BB as well that hasn't got TMAU, just saying.)
Very nice post though, if any new TMAUer needs a guide to the diet, this is a good one (except for the multivitamin which we shouldn't have because of the choline and biotin.) point 1,2,3,4, and 6 (but be a little careful with the garlic and see how you react to it..) is good for tmauers.
Curious about why to be careful with having choline and Biotin. I have BB and take chlorella everyday. Should not I?
Lisa, hi,
do you still have uncontrollable gas and after the defectagraphy did you get treatment and are you 100% better?
thanks very much, appreciate your time
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