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18, female
suffering gut dysbiosis/SIBO/yeast overgrowth/leaky gut/Body odor/adrenal fatigue for 3 years
nationality: Korea
poor english but keep trying to learn it
always in low-mood and depressed
my dad is a physician but thinks i’m insane
never gave me any proper medical treatment
family, friends all turned their backs
i’m battling this alone.
such a hard, lonely way
really wanna get over this and live a normal life
when will my life be back again...

have never been outside of this small damn country
wanna travel, meet people, try new things, see the world
love music and books
a huge fan of radiohead,enya,owlcity
still listening to greenday and busted
Milan Kundrea;my favorite author
helps me loping off twigs in my mind and organizing plans
recently reading Jonas Jonasson’s
and this guy is so hilarious
just grab them and read when i’m down
makes me laugh all the time

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