Mints and mouthwash won't help much for a tooth infection if you don't have the rght kind. Your mints probably are making matters worse because they contain sugar. I had tooth infections but I took herbs, herbs like goldenseal and echnea are excellent for tooth infections. You may have to take them over periods of time until you get a good breakthrough.
For instance taking Echinea for 3 weeksa and then doing the echnea for 3 weeks and then stopping may be the way to go.When you take certain herbs for long periods of tume they will lose their effect (at least that is what I read) so you have to take them for atleast 3 weeks and then stop.
Also the problem may have spread to your digstiv system so taking probiotics can help along with a multiple vitamin.Takng vitmin C,chewing Biotene Gum with Xytol can helps and also using Xytol toothpaste is good
*you can find it there)
This is a good site for finding out more about your dental issues and there are helpfu hints that can help you. Tis man is a dentsist so he knows his stuff. Hegives nfo about sugar and what it does to the teeth, and other areas where the problems lie which starts from bad breath, I hope this helps.
may also have some gppd antifungal mouthwashes too but adding peroxide with your mouthwash could be benfical too, God bless.