Rosie O’Donnell Questions 9/11 - Then gets fired? 17 y
Rosie speaks out on 9/11 questions and then gets fired?
So Rosie comes out swinging, asking the damning questions on the WTC collapses on 9/11 on major media for the first time ever.
These are serious questions that deserve some answers, and air time, whether or not there was a conspiracy to bring down the towers to get support for going into Baghdad with the USA military. Rosie is the one to ask them, she did the job that all media people should be doing - asking ALL the questions.
Nonetheless, it was just a week or two after raising these questions that she either ended her contract with ”The View” show, or was told to quit.
I wonder ... read more
100 Mile Diet - Anti Capitalists?? 17 y
Food production - Local is better than centralised
The 100 Mile Diet is all about eating foods that come from within one hundred miles of your home. One aspect is the carbon dioxide emissions reductions that come from not eating food that is transported over long distances, usually by truck. Another is the ’local economy’ that improves when people switch over to local produce.
Also, they found it to be MUCH HEALTHIER. No soda pops are made within 100 miles, and no Mars Bars, and additives are almost unlikely in local foods [it is the huge amount of sugar and chemicals that have caused so much suffering where diet is concerned].
One ... read more
Solar Power economics - a great big SECRET?? 17 y
Solar panel electric power returns more than 10% per year!!
I am not sure of my figures, I checked them several times, but it sure looks like something is wrong with they way we are being shown how solar power works.
It appears to be much more economically viable than we are told it is - the lifetime operation of a solar cell is not being factored in!! Once they are set up and producing electricity, that supply can continue for 25 years. In fact, that is they typical warranty for solar panels - 85% ’as good as new’ for up to 25 years. They could be producing electricity for up to 50 years!!
Once the initial cost is recoverd, due to the low ma ... read more
Mens Liberation ; Sexuality 17 y
Sexual injury and sexual preformance issues are not discussed because men are not yet liberated.
I am trying to draw a picture of EGO, of KNOW THYSELF, and how they relate to the fact of our mostly hidden problems in sexuality due to the injurious practise of circumsicion.
How can we ”know ourselves” and live accordingly when we have yet to admit the serious problems of damaged sexua| organs?
-------------- Mens Liberation and Sexuality ------------------
Men in our modern society have not yet gone through what might be called ”men’s liberation”, something like womens lib of a few decades ago. Freeing ourselves from the restricitive roles we have been taught to take on, and ... read more
Pope defends Venezuela's genocidal holocaust of aboriginals 17 y
16th C Catholic holocaust on Venezuelan natives is being justified by Pope Benedict ; Pres. Chavez calls for an apology
There are holocausts that we never hear much about in the din of the Jewish holocaust of WW2.
Not to take away from the horros and suffering of the Jewish peoples, but the genocide of the indigenous people of Venezuelas in the 16th Century is claimed to have been ”worse” in scope and detail compared to the holocaust of the Jews, as the martyred Indians died by the millions, and were uprooted as they fled the barbarism that was upon them.
The genocide of the native peoples of Venezueala was done at the time when the Catholic Church was attempting ’the evangelization of the indigenous ... read more
New Doctor - no denials leads to better care 17 y
Doctors too quick to judge
Obviously, a better relationship with our personal doctor is going out work out better for the patient.
For me, the difference is really noticable after the previous 13 doctors I either saw once, or had for a period of time, ALL were looking at me suspiciously, and basically called me a liar when I told them of my pain condition. Maybe what is most surprising is that they all prescribed morphine to me despite not believing that I was actually in pain!! [they were assuming I was ’just drug seeking’]
The new doctor is not fighting what I say, he has looked for, and found, the evidence ... read more
Narco-State: a concentration of wealth tactic 17 y
Why Right Wing america creates narco-states
This is part two of the previous post about concentration of wealth. The Narco-state is a tactic to help achieve ’concentration of power and wealth’. Creating narco-states has the side benefit of disabling many ordinary citizens who might otherwise be trouble for the Elite Wealthy people
It could be a desperate situation in many nations on earth if ’paramilitary groups’ were running around freely and in charge. This is the situation in Bolivia, where cocaine production is controlled by a small group of people at the top of the government and the military there. The 1981 ”cocaine coup” w ... read more
Concentrate power to make it easier to control the whole scene 17 y
Tactics are used to concentrate power to make it easier to control the whole scene
Tactics - Concentrate power to make it easier to control the whole scene
When there are many small players in an industry or a political movement or whatever, it makes things difficult to predict. However, by setting one or two people up to be the dominant players within that enterprise, the whole enterprise can be controlled. Those few elite players will be forever gratefull for the help they got, and forever indebted to whomever did it for them.
Thats the general explanation of the tactic of concentrating power. I am making a project and a habit of watching out for ”tactics of the ... read more
Hydrogen for cars from photosynthesis - of course!! 17 y
Pond Scum produces hydrogen for vehicles
I’ve wondered about this idea for many years now. High School biology is all you need to see that hydrogen production and photosynthesis make a perfect match.
Oxygen and Hydrogen are the only two elements in a molecule of water, and plants have that remarkable ability to use sunlight energy to split off the hydrogen, which is how they produce the oxygen that other life forms need. Thats photosynthesis.
We hear a lot about hydrogen these days, as it is a non-polluting fuel that will have no emissions that contribute to global warming, which some people like me consider to be our bigge ... read more
Front Lines of the Conspiracy 17 y
Connection from the front lines of the conspiracy...
Maybe I have been writing too much ’economics and intellectual crap’ lately here in my blog, and thats why my readership is down a bit. But heck, I am impressed that anyone reads it at all, thank you[s].
How about something more juicy? Like gossip. Like that my own family is linked to global warming, and terrorist attacks? So weird, the way my biggest political issues come back to my own family. You may know about my brother who is CEO of Canada’s largest pipeline company , which also does massive amounts of electrical production, and therefore is a prime industrial polluter. My own ... read more
Wealth equality and social progress went hand in hand 17 y
The 1960's were a time of cultural creativity, political enlightenment, and social growth - and also the period of most equality between rich and poor.
Why were the 1960’s such a time of cultural creativity, political enlightenment, and social growth?
What made it that way? What was behind the freedom people felt? Why did they have such a high standards for society where they asked for peace and love and no polluting ? Why would they even care? *
I am suggsting that the ”more beautiful” society then was mostly due to that era being a period of wealth equality between the rich and poor people in developed nations, specifically in the USA:
quotes : ”From the mid 1950s to the mid 1970s, the share of non-military government spendi ... read more
Creative Thinking - Solutions to Global Warming 17 y
Renewable energy systems provides continuous free electricity once set up ; Governments could pay for them outright and we could all have free electricity for years and years and years.
note - this essay was prepared by me for with the view of Canadian solutions to global warming in mind, as I AM CANADIAN. Things are a little different in the USA, where it would be a bit tougher to talk like this.
Solving Global Warming Requires Creative Solutions
In Canada, we are lucky that global warming solutions are being demanded at a time when there is lots of ”public money” floating around. Government surpluses have never been this big, in both provincial and federal budgets. These sur ... read more
News Media Industry tactics 17 y
Control of media
K - note - you guessed it, this is somewhat related to the previous post. You can find a link there to the story about drug smuggling by the CIA, but that is not the point here.
This is about media control from the point of view of the journalists, about how it is done.
News media control
If you told the police and your boss at the newspaper that the CIA was smuggling huge amounts of drugs into the USA, and had videos and papers and other solid evidence, you want to see it on the evening news. You would expect it to be on the evening news. When it is not ever printed, you might won ... read more
More on the War on Drugs 17 y
The CIA really does bring drugs into America!
When you hear about drug dealers getting charged and then let go with light sentences or mistrials, that means what it looks like - the law doesn’t want to hurt these guys.
Jails are full of low-end drug dealers, and they get on the headline news for our viewing pleasure to make it look like the War on Drugs is working to catch the bad guys and stop the flow of drugs to our communities. Notice that ”looks like” is the key phrase there. The big dealers are let go.
The author of the book ”White Lies” was an actual undercover agent for the USA, and his book tell about how the media refu ... read more
Canada's Prime Minister using Fear Tactic over global warming solutions. 17 y
Solutions to global warming are simple and do-able.
This is a copy of the article I wrote for the newspaper, concerning the announcment by Canadian Envornment Minsiter Baird that meeting Kyoto targets will devastae the economy.
I propose that he has forgotten to consider the benefits of new industries of solar and wind systems, electric cars, and many other ’green solutions’ that people would gladly invest in if they were avialable and especially if they were subsidized at the same rate as fossil fuels are subsidised.
I apologise to my readers if they have heard some of these refrains before...
Sunday, April 22, 2007
... read more
Ice Sheet Catastrophe - Response like Katrina? 17 y
Ice Sheets slipping into Oceans soon [unreported], response will be Katrina-like.
There is a pending catastrophe due to global warming, although the news of that has not been any more revealed than the original global warming truth was. Al Gore told us about the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets slipping into the oceans and raising sea levels by ”meters”. There is no doubt about that, it is just not getting on the news. This will all happen before 2020, and possibly as early as ”any time now”, from what I can gather. Another record-warm summer and all that ice could slump into the oceans, raising sea levels and flooding out 1/5th of global population, including a ... read more
946 Billionaires 17 y
It is getting warm in here - stop the Elites from heating it up more
”Global Ruling Class Billionaires”
That article was sweet music for me, laying out the ways that various fortunate people got to their station of being the Elite Wealthy. Justification for the ”disparity in prosperity” is usually that ”they deserve it because they went to school, worked hard, and applied themselves”.
Did YOU do all those things too? Of course not, or maybe just not well enough, or YOU would be rich too, dummy.
Humbled, we slump off to our lowly stations and are glad to have any money at all. We are ”free to move about our station”, ... read more
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