Path of my Life
by Karlin
Page 1 of 27

Springs Brings Bird Flew Nues   18 y  
Migrating Birds tested for flu - none have it. Major media didn't tell us. Now thats all you need to read.
The bird knew flues, like a new bird flu or, The Bored knows flows like a penguin [a bird!] knows floes. No, there is no meaning there, but we will look for one. So, look for the meaning in the bird flu news on major media... Have you seen anything about the annual migration of birds that was supposed to wipe out, oh, 90% of the humans? Even just that high estimate tells us something. I’ve seen 85% death rates predicted by seemingly serious scientists for this ”coming bird flu”. It would only serve to scare people to predict just 50% death rate, which is more than triple the ...   read more

Privatised drug addiction - food, drugs, and diseases are all created for profits. We are moving to privatised controls.
I am reading a story in the papers about OREXIN, a molecule that plays a critical role in stimulating appetite. They found it also makes the brain more receptive to the effects of cocaine. As the Food Producers and Processors grew into the 20th century, our diets became loaded with sugar. Turns out, sugar acts like a drug on our brains - it is so refined and gives such a whack of sugar to our systems that it has a similiar effect as drugs do. When combined with carbohydrates to appear as a meal, and as we find how well our food cravings are satisfied by a Big Mac kind of meal, we BE ...   read more

World View Who are we? - is our attempt to define that perception worth dying/killing for?   18 y  
"bought in and sold out to an idea" keeps us imprisoned. Who are we? - is our attempt to define that perception worth dying/killing for?
I was looking for some inspiration to start writing about how most people are not anything like the people we hear about. I came upon this right away, and so I used it: ----------quoted: Light Bulbs: ”So it has all come down to being ashamed of myself. That is why I hide away and avoid people and overeat—I have been ashamed of myself for so long. How do I start again? A question that can be heard around the world these days. So there is the world, there is war, there is Katrina and Tsunami, there is famine, there is crime, then there are the lesser things of course, and somewh ...   read more

I met the Penguins last night - MOVIE: March of the Penguins   18 y  
Movie review - March of the Penguins
WOW This is just amazing.Nature is like that, and if only we took a closer look, like this movie does, at the ways other life forms get along in life, we would have a different attitude, and more respect for nature and environment. A better attitude, a better world. More of this please!! It goes on for months on end - they stand there cradling an EGG on their funny clawed feet, a flap of warm skin and hair keeping it warm. Warm, at the South Pole, where it is -80c and thats without the wind factor. Winds of 100mph. And these are the months down there that are total darkness, other ...   read more

Transcendental Bowl of Cereal   18 y  
The "Bowl of Cereal habit" could be done better
Transcendental Bowl of Cereal What we eat, is what we are theme... When we eat a bowl of cereal, that most common of all meals in North American society, we have the opportunity to embrace real health or to waste it. Are we choosing the contents of this bowl based on the most basic of needs, that hunger calling to us through our enteric nervous system? We can elevate it to not only satisfy that hunger craving, but to satify our nutritional needs also. NOT the basic boxed cereal for starters. The ads, the sugars, the ease of the basic box is compelling, but avoid it. Instead, cr ...   read more

Living a Toxin-Reduced Routine   18 y  
Toxins cause 89% of cancers, but there is no effort being made to reduce people's exposures to them. For Shame!!
Getting into a routine of daily living that will reduce my ”total load” of toxins and pathogens, will also reduce my chances of getting a cancer or other maladies. Soaps and shampoos are important to be toxin free because they are on our skin, which absorbs and gets rid of a lot more than we realise. I found natural sourced products, some in bulk that I can re-use my containers for, that LABEL the ingredients fully. Any product without a complete list of contents is banned from my life. They could, but they don’t label it, just ask yourself why they don’t... And why you would not c ...   read more

Medical Business: Compassion has no commercial potential   18 y  
Attitudes in professional health care; Compassion has no commercial potential;
Restrict Supply, Increase demand - the basic principle of modern life on earth, has no place in medical practise. Not if medical practise is all about doing whats best for the patient. As in any busines operating within the corporate model, a medical business must do all it can to inmcrease shareholder value. Thats actually the LAW for corporations, it is written into the contract signed when an owner goes thru the process of becoming a ”limited company”. They exist to increase shareholder value, meaning the value of the stock/shares the owners own, public offering or not. With that ...   read more

"What God Wants, God Gets"   18 y  
"Everything that happens is because god wants it to happen" is a belief of pure folly, yet it has been given more air time by mass media recently
”God would not allow anything to happen that he didn’t want to happen.” ”Nothing happens that god didn’t intend to happen.” ”Everything that happens is because god wants it to happen.” K - something like that. I have not heard this ”religious factoid” for about 40 years, but like other religious doctrine, it is gaining popularity, or at least more air time {I suspect the latter will beget the former... Somewhere in there is the idea that ”everything that happens happens because god wants it so”. First off, I need to say that it doesn’t make any real logical or philosophi ...   read more

Corporate Cancer Causes - list not shown to us   18 y  
Cancer is avoidable with information. They have it, they won't give it to us.
Have you heard? Canadians born today have a ONE-IN-TWO chance of getting cancer during their lives {is that about 100 times greater than just 50 years ago?] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREVENTION: Imagine if corporations produced products that had carcinogenic compounds in them, and that the regulators [from the government WE elected] KNOW what products those are. Then imagine that they have linked those products with those carcinogenic compounds to specific cancers, even produced a LIST of products and the cancers they produc ...   read more

Million Little Pieces Epiphany - "THE FURY" missed by Oprah   18 y  
James Frey's book "A Million Little Pieces" - Epiphany on page 320 deserves more discussion and exposure
The epiphany that the author had, as described in his book,has become the focus of my personal introspection lately, since reading the book A Million Little Pieces. On page 230, he gets to the point he has been working towards, in trying to beat his addiction to various drugs and destructive lifestyle/mindset. His therapy session with a councellor, a trained psychiatrist, has brought up a crucial realisation. This realisation is not being discussed , not by Oprah, not by the author in all his interviews, and not by the mass media of course. {or, maybe they ARE all discussing it, but ME ...   read more

Global Conflict brewing - the masses are manipulated   18 y  
Global Conflict is mostly arranged on purpose - average people are all the same in most ways.
Friday, February 10, 2006 ”THEY are not different the US” As we stand here on the brink of the most devastating global conflict ever seen on planet earth, there are a few ’larger’ points to consider: 1 - that if Hitler had won his war, we would be living about the same life we are now. It was just a different group of backers putting Hitler up to it than the ones we sided with to beat him. 2 - that, no matter who you end up having to shoot to death, it will be someone in the same ’socio-economic bracket’ as you are. Mostly, the poor will kill the poor ; the largest group will ...   read more

Commentary on Current Events - Jan 12 2006   18 y  
Current news commentary
I didn’t manage to organise my Blog into a novella-form, so I will just post some thoughts instead. Current events, today’s news, includes a Global Warming issue - forests, and green living plants, are found to emit METHANE!!! Thats contrary to the previously held idea that all green things absorb and store ”greenhouse gasses”, in the form of Carbon. I don’t yet see how the Fossil Fools will use this news to continue on the suicidal path of tolerating those emissions, but they will try. What I do see for certain is this: if trees give off greenhouse gases, that means there is eve ...   read more

Teenaged years on the Path of My Life   19 y  
Teen years are full of conflicts for most people, and I had a major one - "the system". Whipping me didn't seem to help much...
Leather makes such a distinct sound when it is laid onto human flesh. I remember that sound, and I remember the little grunts I gave out on each ’strap’. Those grunts were arbitrary tho’ - I thought it might let them know I was feeling it, in hopes that someone would say ”thats enough”. I don’t know if it worked or not, but I was much releived when it stopped. Some farm kids in our school had real hard palms, caloused up real good. The Principal had a hard time making them feel much pain, which made it worse for ”town kids” who , like me, had nice soft palms to receive that leather str ...   read more

Validation   19 y  
Validation is essential for personal confidence
Everyone needs to have validation. It grows from early self-awareness to what we call EGO. Or Eggo if you had my experiences!! It starts as Validation of our basic view of life, even just validation that what we see around us is real, to know that our eyes are working, that our senses are giving us the essence of the world around us. Without that, there can be no confidence. Later, we need validation of our experiences - are they real? are they important? does anyone find them interesting? If this validation is strong and good, you might want to write a book about you or your expe ...   read more

anger management   19 y  
Anger , the real RAGE that seizes some people, is beatable. It is also an oddity in some ways...
I was trying to write my blog in the form of ’timeline’ thru my life, and still will, but I want to add little essays on specific topics now and then. This is one of those. =-------ANGER MANAGEMENT: Anger is something I have had to deal with all my life. The real temper, the one that erupts into violent outbursts towards the fridge or the nearest wall, is common to many people, most of them men I suppose* This RAGE may be more common to my family than to most. Not my Dad though, but my older brother is the main peer in this temper tantrum stuff... we have been observed slamming to ...   read more

Garden of my Youth   19 y  
DDT, brain damage, Mercury - The Early Years
When I was an infant, our yard had a garden that I liked to play in sometimes. There was a small fishpond beside the garden too. That garden was so healthy and productive, supplying 90% of our veggies all year long, plus berries and so on. I ate carrots right out of the dirt, and I remember even eating plain dirt... now many years later we hear about Soil Based Organisms [SBOs], and I realise I may have been doing THERAPY for my colon by eating the dirt, and it was by instinct!! Ya, that garden would hold many secrets. One of these secrets came to light when I was about 30 years ol ...   read more

Path Origins - "When You cannot get the Love you Want"   19 y  
The Love you Want
I started out as a Hershey bar in my dad’s back pocket, like all of us. It became a stream of semen flowing to my mother’s uterus, and in THAT time and in that situation of 1950’s middle America in a rural area of the great windswept plains, I started on my path of life. Did it have some form? a pre-destined path? - perhaps with ambitions of doing something to affect the world? The geo-magnetic energy, the position of planets and the sun and moon, the chemicals around us would all be part of the product - me - and they all are part of the destiny that would be ”my life”. Destiny of ...   read more

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My journey started on a path, but it was deflected many times... more...

Last Activity: 25 mon ago
457 Messages   Last message 25 mon ago
240 Comments   Last comment 25 mon ago

viewed 2,996,432 times
Created: 19 y   Oct 03 2005


Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

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Get rid of the life suckers!

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Comments (10 of 240):
Re: Rh Incompatibi… Karli… 25 mon
Re: Silver Resista… Karli… 4 y
Re: Rh Incompatibi… Karli… 4 y
Re: Rh Incompatibi… David… 4 y
Re: Silver Resista… Karli… 4 y
Re: Chronic Pain -… Timfo… 5 y
Re: Rh Incompatibi… Karli… 5 y
Re: Saving Ourselv… Karli… 6 y
Re: Rh Incompatibi… Alexp… 6 y
Re: Saving Ourselv… kermi… 7 y
All Comments (240)

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