Path of my Life
by Karlin
Page 14 of 27

US Health Care Bill - an encore act from Republicans   14 y  
America's Republicans are barking at the wind, and they stand to lose for it.
The Republicans are still going on about ”armeggedon” and ”socialism” while Obama and the Dems move ahead with explaining the details of the health care reform bill, and even moving on to other issues. It seems that the train has left the station, and the Republicans and Tea Partiers are left standing on the platform of small government at a time when SOME government is badly needed to reign in the abuses of health care corporations. Which is worse? - canceling your insurance on the basis of needing to use it, or some unproven fear-based idea about ”government taking over every detai ...   read more

American Health Reform, Part Two   14 y  
Americans Will Remember that no Republicans voted for this health care reform bill
 US Health Care Reform bill - March 21, 2010.    " Republicans are voting as a group - that might be an indication that they are not free to vote their conscience ".     Americans Will Remember that no Republicans voted for this health care reform bill.      There are many good things in this bill, such as not dropping people who get sick - that really sucks when the insurance companies do that, it is more or less criminal, it is certainly abusive to say "if you are never going to get sick you can keep ...   read more

Food Ads and Obesity   14 y  
Images of food on TV stimulate appetite artificially, and that contributes to obesity.
In the news today there is an article on how South Korea is banning television ads for junk food aimed at children. That is a good start, and something every nation should do if they value their children, but we should also consider banning all images of food on TV because of the effect they are having in causing obesity. When we see food, or even just think about it, we excrete saliva. Mine is flowing right now from thinking about what I am going to write!! Soon, that flow of saliva will become actual hunger and I will be seeking out some food to eat. The trouble is, I don’t have ...   read more

Snowmaggeddon - Arctic Oscillation not AGW   14 y  
the eastern seaboard's harsh winter is neither a sign of global warming nor is it denier evidence, it is an Arctic Oscillation
If you have been thinking about how the snowstorms on the USA’s eastern seaboard relates to global warming, please stop. Those snowstorms are a local and current event [one season of one year] and global warming is long term - only the average temperature of the entire world is what counts, the ”global average temperature”. Please, keep this quote in mind: ”The 2009 global temperature analysis released by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) shows that, globally, 2009 was tied for the second hottest year on record.” There was a lot of unusual snow this winter in A ...   read more

Celebrex and Adjunct Therapy takes a hit - Dr. Reuben's Fraud.   14 y  
Dr. Reuben, Heart attacks, Faked Studies, Celebrex, and Adjunct Therapy regimine are exposed.
Chronic Pain - Adjunct Therapy regimine takes a hit We might wonder what goes on in the minds of the doctors prescribing Celebrex, because they are a crucial link in the drug chain. Are they aware of the controversy or the news? Where do they get their information from? Are they intimidated by the College of Physicians and Surgeons to the point where they would have to balance patient safety with trying to keep their job? First, some background - A few years ago the medical Colleges were notifying doctors of a new regimine of drug treatment for chronic pain patien ...   read more

"Swine Flu - The Final Jab"   14 y  
Swine Flu was mild, vaccines are dangerous
Jan 27 2010 ”Swine Flu - The Final Jab” This will probably be my final jab at the Swine Flu pandemic, but I hope there were some lessons learned that we will all remember for the next time we hear about a flu pandemic coming. In the final tally, released this week, ”there were only 14,000 deaths from the Swine Flu [H1N1], which is LESS than in a normal annual flu season”. So in general, it appears that what the natural health proponents were saying is true - flu pandemics are not going to kill massive numbers of people anymore. Decades ago, those flu pandemic’s high death rates ...   read more

Haitian aid - fear of violence?   14 y  
Haitian Aid being withheld
It is just getting to be so routine, so completely predictable, that this would happen. Without even reading the press reports or listening to the news, we could have predicted how things would happen after the earthquake. What I was watching for was that the US would take over the operations, and then there would be fake press reports about the ”looting and violence”, and then the US troops would say they cannot bring the water and food in ”because of the violence”, unless they have adequate protection during the distribution of the food and water. This morning, the American news we ...   read more

Muscle Protective Mechanism Disorder   14 y  
Muscle Protective Mechanism Disorder explained
Muscle Protective Mechanism Disorder I have written before in this blog about the way the body and brain work together to protect the muscles, and how that mechanism is not working as it should be in people with Fibromyalgia [a chronic pain condition]. Briefly, here is how the ”muscle protective mechanism disorder” works: In the blood stream are sensory neurons that roam around the body looking for active muscles; those muscle sensory neurons are triggered by lactic acid, a normal by-product of muscle metabolism [energy use]. Those sensory neurons, when triggered to do ...   read more

Ginkgo Biloba Study - results/reporting in question.   15 y  
Reporting on the Ginkgo study draws the wrong conclusions, shows bias towards natural medicine
Ginkgo Biloba Helps Memory Well, that is the conclusion I would draw from these study results, but mainstream medicine and media says the study showed that Ginko Biloba extract did NOT help stop memory loss. The way the mainstream media is writing this story, and the conclusions of the study authors, looks like a deliberate misreading of the study results. You decide - here are the two main results from the study: * ” Half of the participants took ginkgo biloba extract three times a day and half took a placebo. During the study, 21 people developed mild memory problems, or qu ...   read more

Airline Bombing - Customs Official Paid Off   15 y  
customs officials paid off
Something is odd about the way the media is telling the story of the airliner bombing attempt in late Dec 2009. They are leaving out the most important factor in how how the terrorist got on the plane. The man who went with the would-be bomber through customs at the Copenhagen airport had a brief meeting with the customs authorities, and that ”well healed accomplice” obviously paid them off to let this guy on the plane without a passport. The bomber’s passport had been taken away by officials in recent years because they knew this guy was a threat. He could never get on a plane witho ...   read more

COP 15 - final four days for Climate Change summit   15 y  
COP 15 is almost over, and there is no sign of agreement.
The Copenhagen Climate summit is in it’s final four days now, this being Dec. 14, 2009. The purpose was supposed to be about laying out an agreement for reducing CO2 emissions, but it appears that the important players did not come with that in mind. They came to see what they could get away with... Canada, the USA, China, India are all just acting like children by saying ”you go first, no you go first”. Its not going to get done. Yesterday, Canada’s Energy Minister Jim Prentice announced that ”a formal agreement would not be possible until some time next year”. Uh huh, who told ...   read more

Responding to the Climate Email Scandal   15 y  
Responding to the Climate Email Scandal
Responding to the Climate Email Scandal     Ok, so I guess I have to say something, but what I have to say isn’t new. I still want to embrace the things we would do to address global warming, because it is a good idea weather or not global warming is real.    Those emails from climate scientists that mention "tricks" and "hiding the warming" don’t mean what those quotes appear to say, but they are making some headway for the denier community.     If it is true that the climate scientists are lying to support the g ...   read more

Good Day for conspiracy theorists   15 y  
Lying and conspiring to go to war, approving torture - these are the revelations coming out now.
This is a good time for conspiracy theorists. In Britian, they are finally speaking openly about the fact that the invasion of Iraq was being discussed at least two years before the WTC 9/11 incident. That is a huge score for people who believe that Bush 2 lied about going to war, which is an impeachable offence; we were screaming for Bush’s impeachment in 2004; maybe we can still get a war crimes charge going against GW Bush. Tony Blair could also be in big trouble. Conspiracy theorists love to see Prime Ministers and Presidents of nations go to jail [note - the British hearing underwa ...   read more

Evolution deniers ask a question   15 y  
Evolution does not mean the original line dies off
Evolution Deniers - clearing up one idea Okay, so think what you will about the question of ”if evolution is real or if some higher power designed people”, but when arguing about evolution there is a question going around about evolution that tries to show that evolution is not real, and that I just have to debunk this question. Once again, as with other denials of reality, this is ”pseudo science”, it doesn’t hold water. The denier question is: ”If humans evolved from primates, then why are there still primates around?” My simple reply: ”the original line does not die off”. ...   read more

Standing in Line for Swine - Flu Vaccination Clinics   15 y  
congregating will help spread the flu virus
Standing in Line for Swine; Getting the Flu Vaccine     When people are told that ”there is only a 25% chance of dying in a car rollover”, they feel good about their chances. When people are told that ”there is a 25% chance of getting this Swine Flu”, they will hurry to get the vaccine. I think that being one of the 75% who will have no sign of sickness this winter is a good prospect; or, if I only get a flu once every four years, thats not so bad [and maybe better than getting 4 vaccinations and three of the are not needed].     That is only one of the oddities I am seeing i ...   read more

Ballon Ride Hoax - Being Fooled   15 y  
Balloon Ride Hoax causes gaurded emotional responses.
There are two outcomes of yesterday’s hoax: - that real emotions and concern for others has to be put on hold until we can verify the story; - losing trust in authorities. It is too bad that we cannot just express our concerns for others immediately, because that would let the suffering people know that we are concerned for them when it really counts. Instead, we have to adapt the gaurded mindset of ”wait and see, maybe this is all fake”. We will be concerned for you later, maybe, if we find out that your story is genuine. No wonder we have such a cold and uncaring population!! I bl ...   read more

Nature is Nurture - Green Spaces Improve Health - study    15 y  
more evidence that living near a 'green space' has health benefits.
This link to a BBC article about how green spaces improve health I like to see any confirmation that nature is nurture. This BBC article basically shows that living near a green space improves both mental and physical health. ”This relation was strongest for children younger than 12 - they were 21% less likely to suffer from depression in the greener areas” it says. ”Green spaces help recovery from stress and offer greater opportunities for social contacts; the free physical exercise and better air quality could also contribute” ”The biggest impact was on anxiety disorders ...   read more

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My journey started on a path, but it was deflected many times... more...

Last Activity: 25 mon ago
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240 Comments   Last comment 25 mon ago

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Created: 19 y   Oct 03 2005


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Comments (10 of 240):
Re: Rh Incompatibi… Karli… 25 mon
Re: Silver Resista… Karli… 4 y
Re: Rh Incompatibi… Karli… 4 y
Re: Rh Incompatibi… David… 4 y
Re: Silver Resista… Karli… 4 y
Re: Chronic Pain -… Timfo… 5 y
Re: Rh Incompatibi… Karli… 5 y
Re: Saving Ourselv… Karli… 6 y
Re: Rh Incompatibi… Alexp… 6 y
Re: Saving Ourselv… kermi… 7 y
All Comments (240)

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