Surviving February 13 y
Complaining is at an annual high in February. Be kind.
It gets tiresome to hear somebody complain about their pains when it is obvious they could have avoided their pains by doing something about it.
For Fibros, it gets tiresome to hear other’s respond to our complaining of pains by dismissing it as ”our own fault for not doing something about it”.
Or, when they say ”ya, but you have been doing nothing but sitting around for 5 months, what do you expect?”
Both sides are right - Fibros sit around due to pain, and when they move again it hurts a lot. Also, no matter how normal it is to have pain, such as when first starting to get in sh ... read more
Face Pains with Courage 14 y
Face Pains with courage
Cure Zone Blog - Path of My Life Entry
Hello my estranged readers. I have not been able to post lately due to some delightfull events. Well, delightfull if I was a lover of pain perhaps... but I will try to just enjoy the damn ride anyhow!!
Pain of the heart, and Nerve pain, have been the themes of my life since summer and up to now.
I have sometimes said that ”I would not wish Fibromyalgia on my worst enemy... well, maybe on Dick Cheney”.
Joking aside, it was devastating to hear that my favorite niece was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia [”Fibro”] this summer, and then just t ... read more
Walking Mindfully 14 y
Mindfullness is paying attention to the present moment and what we are doing and thinking in the present moment.
Walking Mindfully - part two in the series at CZ blog -
Walking is another activity that can be done mindfully. Almost anything can be done mindfully. We have done the dishes [see previous post here], so lets go for a walk.
Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn Quote:
”If you can name something or feel it, you can be mindfull of it. In bringing mindfullness to an activity or an experience, it becomes more vivid because the stream of your thinking subsides a little and is less likely to interpose itself between you and what is actually happening. This greater clarity and fullness can be experie ... read more
Mindfull Dishwashing 14 y
Mindfullness is taking back the mind
Have you ever paid attention to your arm moving? Silly question, I know, but play along for a minute.
Maybe try closing your eyes, and then raising one arm up and put that hand on the other side’s shoulder. There, feel the arm moving, and also just pay attention to what it feels like to touch your shoulder.
I guess your eyes are open again...
If every movement you made was done with that kind of awareness, you are doing a type of ”mindfullness exercise”.
There is a retreat in the Kootenay’s where one rule is that the dishes have to be done ”mindfully”, and without making a soun ... read more
Path of My Life Episode 14 y
I am trying to remove some old stool in my ascending colon from a time when I was constipated years ago.
It happens. People get constipated.
It seems that our modern diet brings it on for some people.
Many medications make it worse. Opiates are famously constipating, it is written right on the label.
Patients receiving morphine prescriptions for years on end can count on constipation occurring.
So it should have been no surprise that I found out that I had some stool in my ascending colon, because I have been prescribed morphine for about 20 years.
An abdominal X-Ray produced the evidence. The good news was that other two sections of my colon were normal, without solid stool un ... read more
"Just Play Along, ok"? 14 y
playing along with the crowd is to lose your sense of self.
Just Play Along ok ?
What this world need now is for people to stand up for what is right.
The BP spill was caused by having everyone so cowed that nobody would say anything about the risky way they were drilling that well. 11 of them lost their lives because of it - if they would have demanded that things be done right they would have either have avoided the accident, or been fired [and sent to shore], in which case they would still be alive. And the oil might not be fouling the Gulf Coast and turning the oceans into a bubbling cesspool.
”Just play along” is something we heard, ... read more
Obama failed to mention Electric Cars 14 y
electric cars would save America a lot of oil, but the Pres. did not mention them.
Obama failed to mention Electric Cars
It is an odd thing that Pres. Obama did not mention electric cars in his speech about getting America to reduce it’s use of fossil fuels, because if Americans were driving electric cars it would save a lot of oil right off the bat.
”Plug-in cars capable of 50 miles per day would meet the needs of 80% of the American driving public.”
- Source: U.S. Department of Transportation.
Imagine even 50% of Americans using electric cars for their daily commute!! That might end the need for offshore drilling right there. Maybe they could shut the Tar San ... read more
Oilmen Respond to Obama with LIES. 14 y
There is renewable energy potential for half of America's energy needs.
In response to the Presidential address on replacing fossil fuels with renewables, the fossil fools [oilmen] are saying ”there is just not enough wind and solar to meet America’s needs”, and ”the problem is that oil companies are driven to deep water drilling because they are not allowed to drill in shallow waters”.
Those statements are misguided. Perhaps ”outright lies” is a better description of their statements.
There is enough wind and solar energy in the continental USA to meet at least HALF of America’s energy needs, and if that much renewable energy was in place it would take ... read more
Presidential Speech on Rejecting Fossil Fuels 14 y
Obama says America must reduce it's use of fossil fuels
Presidential Speech on Rejecting Fossil Fuels
President Obama has declared it a national emergency - fossil fuel use by America must be reduced.
Many serious and educated people have been saying it, and there is even some awareness in the public about the urgency, but action has been woefully inadequate.
But finally, to the amazement of all, an American President has said it on a live television address to Americans: ”we must reduce our use of fossil fuels”.
America really does use too much oil. The President reminded us that the USA has only 2% of the world’s fossil fuels, b ... read more
FrankenSarc - Frank Zappa Lyric Quotes 14 y
Frank Zappa social commentary. I didn't ask permission, I hope you don't mind, Frankly, because I am not getting paid.
To keep things interesting, or that ”interesting” might occur for the first time here, I thought that some Frank Zappa quotes would be good. Stay tuned for updates!!
This first one, one which I hope you will ponder awhile, is from ”Jesus Thinks you are a Jerk”, the live performance of which can be found at this link
No abortion, no-siree!
Lifes too precious, can’t you see!
(what’s that hangin from the neighbors tree?
Why, it looks like colored folks to me -
read more
Oil is Bad - The Alien View 14 y
Alien viewpoint; Oil is bad, we have to reduce how much we use.
”The Alien View”
Sometimes it helps put things in perspective to look at ourselves from the outside. Now that we have made it to the 21st Century, that outside view can be ”of an alien”. I like using that perspective because it removes all the pre-conceived notions and bias from the scenario.
If an Alien from a planet light years away was observing us, and then came down to talk to me about what they have seen, they might want to talk to me about how we get energy.
Seeing that we Earthlings are using fossil fuels as the main source of energy, they would point out that ”by being ... read more
Scented Senselessness - Chemical Sensitivity and Consumer Goods 14 y
scented dryer sheets and chemical perfumes are a big problem for some of us - please stop using them!!
Scented Senselessness
Artificial scents are created from chemicals and are used in myriad consumer products.
Scented ”dryer sheets” and detergents, scented deodorants, and of course artificial perfumes, are the absolute bain of some people’s lives. It is really necessary to cause those one-in-a-hundred ”chemically sensitive” folks so much agony?
In fact, I think I could make a human rights case against both the people who use such products, and especially against the manufacturers of those products. How is it possibly justified to create, sell, or profit from something that so obv ... read more
BP - Why are you just trying this for the first time now? 14 y
Offshore Oil Gusher incident shows a lack of preparedness.
We are all watching with interest as BP, or ”British Petroleum”, the oil company in charge of the leaking offshore oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, is about to lower a newly built containment chamber over the leaking well head 5000 feet below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico.
We should be asking this question - ”Why are you trying this out for the first time now?”
If they were truly prepared for spills, blow-outs, or malfunctions in their equipment they would have tried this before, at least in a test run. It is obvious in hindsight that it would be a good idea to have one of those ... read more
Fibromyalgics' worst weather. 14 y
Weather is too cold for Fibros
I guess there is a certain kind of hilarious irony in being a staunch ”emissions reductions” proponent while suffering from extraordinary cold weather.
My Fibromyalgia {”Fibro”} really kicks the snot out of me in cold weather. Changing barometric pressure is one factor, as is humidity. It is cold and changing and raining so hard that it is near total darkness here right now, despite being the noon hour.
We had two nice days at the start of March, and two more at the end of April this year. Otherwise, bla.
In fact, today’s high of 7oC will be a record low high temperature for today ... read more
George Will of ABC News - outrageous!! 14 y
Newsman downplays Gulf oil spill bird deaths
This Sunday morning on ABC News, newsman George Will boldly states that ”wind farms kill a LOT more birds than this oil spill will”, referring to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill of 2010 when the Horizon oil platform exploded and sunk, rendering the blowout preventer useless to shut the flow of oil from the undersea well.
Wind farms kill about 40,000 birds a year. That number is dropping as we learn about windfarm design and placement and their relation to bird kills. The Altamont Windfarm is the worst offender, and none like it will be built again.
How many birds will this oil spill in ... read more
Energy Security with Renewables 14 y
Energy Security comes with a renewable energy supply.
Energy Security with Renewables
If there is a global catastrophe such as war or economic collapse, any nation will be better off having more renewable energy because it will allways be there to provide electricity, whereas oil could be difficult to keep flowing.
Imagine that the world gets itself into another big war where China is invading Japan and we all get into it. All the available oil will be going to the war machine, what precious little of it there will be when oil tankers cannot move and the Sauds are shutting in their wells until the war ends. Energy will be in short ... read more
Environmentalism and Enlightenment 14 y
Environmentalism is about forward thinking. It is enlightened thinking too.
Environmentalism and Enlightenment
The ”environmental movement” has surely got to admit defeat by now. We have missed a lot of important goals and the trajectory of society is the other way.
Still, I feel proud to still be one of their number. I consider myself an environmentalist - someone who is concerned enough about the environment to do, say, think, and be kind to it. If it were my choice, I would change a few things.
I am going to go even further in my boosting my ego and say I think it is enlightened to be an environmentalist. We want changes to happen now that are going ... read more
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