A Lighter Shade of Pink Slime 12 y
Pink Slime advertisement
On the ligher side... I have not watched TV for a quite awhile, as my financial situation provided me with the GIFT of getting my cable cut off.
However, the Stanely Cup Finals are on, and I find a way.
I have kept up on the news however, and I know what ”pink slime” is. See * below if you don’t know.
So -
A commercial for DQ comes on, it is the one called ”DQemistry” with a couple having a date at DQ... they start eating their burgers...
Then, watch... the guy slides a gift towards the girl - ITS A BOX OF PINK SLIME*!!
Wow, I thought to myself, TV has taken viewers down ... read more
Radiation Update and Alert 12 y
Low dose radiation can be/is worse than a short blast, California tuna have low dose; Conspiracy of silence; Chernobyl still melting, Fuku #2 liquified core
I could not have found a more opportune time to post this tidbit about nuclear radiation and human health.
Today it was announced that the Bluefin Tuna sampled off the coast of California ALL have low levels of Fukushima radiation.
Knowing that news, now learn about the Petkau effect:
THE PETKAU EFFECT shows that low dose of radiation is WORSE than high dose, and not over much more time either:
Petkau Effect http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petkau_effect
”Petkau found that 3500 rads delivered in 2¼ hours (26 rad/min = 15.5 Sv/h) would rupture a c ... read more
I have to tell someone...
12 y
Abuse and torture under our noses
Next time you are feeling scorn for the miserable wreck of a human with sores on their body, obviously a drug addict, barely alive it seems... but they have been this way for a few years, how do they manage to stay alive you wonder.
When you want to either look away or give a grunt of disgust...
Think of what they might have been through. The tortures that are meted out by people upon other people would make you look away. I cannot believe they make movies of this stuff, or that people go watch them for ENTERTAINMENT. Its gross, its disgusting, I loathe the human race sometimes.... a ... read more
US Govt. spending priorities - death, but not food. 12 y
US govt cutting back on food stamps so it can purchase more killing machines.
Here is a comment posted below an article on American government spending on war machinery while at the same time cutting much needed social programs [such as helping disabled senior citizens live independantly].
I will pass the microphone to Mr. Paul Fretheim:
”Here is an example of something we must do to avoid suicide by carbon:
Take the $1.5 TRILLION proposed to be spent on F-35 warplanes. It is enough money to put an $11,000 solar array on every single family home in the United States, about 74 million homes. That would cost $275 billion. That leaves $1.225 TRILLION from the sa ... read more
Bacterial Tidbits 12 y
Bacteria are everywhere, doing good things.
Bacterial World
Bacteria don’t make the world go around, but they do make it snow, they make our stools, and they make us well and/or they make us sick.
Without the right kinds of bacteria in our colon, we would have diarrhea all the time. We would not be able to get certain vitamins and nutrients our body needs. There are millions of each kind of bacteria in our colons, and 500 to 1000 different kinds, maybe more. This all adds up to there bieng ”more bacterial cells in the human body than there are human cells”. Really. Google it.
An important health dilema in the modern world h ... read more
What will the Elites do if protests take hold? 12 y
False Flag reaction to a Western Uprising
need I go on? Their imaginations for ugly evil shit is greater than mine...
So, please, if anything really bad happens in the next year that appears on the surface to be an act of terrorism or a bad accident, don’t believe it is what the mainstream media will say it is - it will be the Elites pulling off a False Flag event.
read more
Consciousness Quips 12 y
consciousness quips
”Consciousness IS What Thinking Does”
What is the value of CONSCIOUSNESS if we are not FREE?
visit the page
Spying on Me, Conehead Conspiracy, Radioactive Berries, 12 y
Conehead, Radiation in Food, Homeland Security is Spying online
----------Spying on us online -
Go to a militant Islamic site [to them I say: ”sorry you have to be that way, I apologize for our western intrusions”] and watch your anti-virus program... Does it say ”updating”?
And isn’t THAT odd?
Why would it be updating every time I go to those sites, and not others?
It is not updating, it is filing a report to Homeland Security on me!!
I LAUGH at their little games, ho-ah ha ha ha.
Did you know that ancient Conehead skulls actually exist? Museums in Mexico have them, and in Peru.
- its more than a comedic movie. They ha ... read more
C02 Emissions - where do they come from? 12 y
Tailpipes are the biggest source of CO2 emissions
MOST of the CO2 emissions come from tailpipes - our vehicles.
Many of the main spokespeople and leaders against climate change due to global warming are screaming about the Tar Sands in Albera as being a huge source of CO2 emissions.
They will take that argument to their grave, and to hearings and use it in submissions to regulators.
When the Oil Heads point out that they are wrong, and give the facts to prove it, the public will doubt that the environmentalists have any good points, and public support for emissions reductions will be lost.
Sadly, it appears to be a m ... read more
Did I have a GHOST here? 12 y
Ghost clearing
I am still skeptical, but it seems I had a ghost here in my apartment.
Here is a condensed but complete version of what happened here this past week, how I ”cleared the ghost” , and why, I have to believe, I feel SO MUCH BETTER, why I slept well for two nights for the first time in weeks, with no vivid dreams, no difficulty telling waking from sleeping as was the case for the past several weeks... and no breathing sounds at night, no cold blasts, no more fleeting images out the corner of my eye...
Ghost Clearing - Short Version[/b][/u]
First off, some consideration should ... read more
End the US Federal Reserve? Great idea!!! 12 y
End the Federal Reserve, bill in the works;
We do not want to be governed, only served by those who represent us.
Links at bottom - Denis KUCINICH and Mr. CONYERS introduced the bill to end the Federal Reserve!!
here are my thoughts on it [I like the idea] -
The Federal Reserve has become an instrument of all-powerfull goverment, and we never asked for that.
We need to have our views REPRESENTED, we never asked to be ”governed”
We surely do not want to BE GOVERNED, do we? Are we so inept that we need that help? No.
”Being governed” sounds a little like slavery, I prefer FREEDOM, as in ”don’t tell me what to do”.
What is the point of consciousness if we are not free?
”Governing ... read more
Conspiracy - No More Democracy 12 y
government does not do the will of the people, we have a duty to ourselves and to the future to take it back!!
Conspiracy - No More Democracy
  ... read more
Magnesium Oil - Topical Treatment for Muscle Cramps 12 y
Topical Magnesium Oil can be a good treatment for Muscle Cramps
Magnesium Oil - Topical Treatment for Muscle Cramps
Note - "topical" refers to "put it on the skin"
In short -
The theory, in short, is that the topical magnesium REDUCES MUSCLE CRAMP SEVERITY.
The rest of the story -
Magnesium is poorly absorbed in the gut, as in "when we get it in diet or in oral supplements".
My Doctor explained it as a problem o ... read more
Dreams,intuition, and consciosness. 12 y
We are subconscious 99% of the time
Charging madly into the mist with our eyes closed?
Did you hear? The sleep scientists say that dreams are often about "putting the day’s events into context with all previous experience and in creating probable future scenarios".
We are preparing for tomorrow when dreaming, but it sure doesn’t seem like that from the dreams I remember. However, we don’t remember most of our dreams, mostly it is just the one we have shortly before waking up that we are aware of.
So in this "planning for tomorrow" dreaming, since ... read more
Authority Insanity - they are deluded. 12 y
Authority, elites, the wealthy and the powerfull are mired in their ego and guilt - they cannot see reality.
Delusional Authority
We could be in big trouble when our leaders, officials, and authorities are delusional about things they believe about themselves and the world.
As the world changes, especially in times where changes are happening quickly, experts and authorities tend to hold onto their old ways, even when those ways are clearly no longer valid and will not help solve the crisis at hand.
Normalcy Bias
There are new studies showing how authorities tend to become delusional when cri ... read more
The Shift - makes us sleepy? 12 y
Shifting energies causes sleepyness - we may be about to see a world changing energy shift.
I have been trying to post this for a few days, but the fatigue and bodily pains have been overwhelming... mostly, I keep falling asleep.
It seems that other people - people I know and from reports online - are also sleeping a lot. These shifting energies and unusual experiences just might be due to something bigger than our individual selves.
I certainly have noticed some signs of that, with erratic sleep and, wow, two nights of GHOSTS in my apartment last week - at certain times we are more attuned to ”the ethereal realm” and that is where ghosts and ”films” [minor ghosts] exist ... read more
A little insider info on the Mexican Drug War 2012 12 y
Mexican drug war farce
Hello everyone - sorry I have not posted for a long time, but I have been having a bit of ”resistance” in my quest for the truth, and to tell the truth, on various matters.
Hopefully I can get started again now!
Happy reading - here is juicy one to restart the parade:
------------------Mexican Drug War and USA/CIA
preamble - the purpose of this is essay/news story is, at least partly, to show that the US Government is absolutely willing to toss aside democratic principles in any and every situation where socialism is the choice of the people. Furthermore, they are willing aban ... read more
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