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Re: Contradictions?
esme90 Views: 6,913
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 846,939

Re: Contradictions?

Where did you get "constant treatments" from what Poppycane said?
If Poppycane had scattering, for whatever reason, and she has got rid of her infestation, then is this not the solution which you were asking for?
Or is the "solution" not acceptable because Humaworm did not suggest it?
I get the feeling that this is a little of a personal vendetta against Humaworm, because he had not heard of scattering. I can understand his approach. Strictly speaking, the "scattering" phenomenon could be explicable in 2 fashions. Either
a) as you suggest, the parasites are riled up by the parasite cleanse and choose that moment to migrate to other parts of the body
b) as Humaworm seems to understand it, the parasites have already infested many parts of the body, and are only noticed when the client takes a parasite cleanse, because the parasites get riled up by the cleanse and make their presence known.
Does it really matter, which way it happens? There is a solution: to keep parasite cleansing. Yes, it's uncomfortable to live with parasites that are riled up, but the only alternative seems to be to live with parasites that are quietly living in you and killing you. Do you have other alternatives?


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