Re: 7-year-old daughter
I have been following this thread since June. First, I would like to give you a history of my daughter. June 1st my ten year old daughter's menses started. I researched everything that I could and read Owen's article on early menses. I tried discussing my findings with my daughter educating her on her dietery choices.
We purchased a distiller and a shower filter. I already ate mostly raw and I encouraged my daughter to try more raw smoothies, fruits, crackers, seeds and nuts. We never did eat red meat, she occasionaly eats chicken or fish. Soy was a biggee getting her to give up. She is allergic to peanuts, they cause her to break out in cold sores. We previously discovered soynut butter and she loves it. I have been trying to steer her towards other nut butters. I stopped buying milk and only buy raw, organic cheese and organic yogurt, occasionally. Her diet isn't perfect now, but it is much improved. I always pack her lunch for school. No school lunches.
She never had a period July, Aug, Sept, Oct. In November it return very lightly. I attribute that to a vacation in Thailand where they had complimentary buffets and I let her choose her own food and to Halloween. I do have the HerBalance Cream that has wild yam in it. I use organic detergent, shampoo, lotion, tooth paste, deodorant, etc. now. (I hadn't prior).
I have done many cleanses in the past myself and I was interested in the cleanses you got your daughter to do. My daughter is not fond of oranges. She won't eat them, but occasionally will have a juiced one. If you have found another cleanse or any other solutions, I would be greatly interested. Aloha, Kathy