I too have a 7 year old with early puberty symptoms...I can see hair under her arms and slight growth in her pubic area. She is taller than everyone in her class which I hear is common too. I am calling a Chinese herbalist tomorrow about it all. i will keep you posted on what she says. I try to watch her diet, but it isnt 100% organic. I think her European background has alot to do with it too. On her father's side they all seemed to have developed early. Her Nana got her period at 9 yrs old. BUT I do know she drank ALOT of milk growing up! I am going to try the cream that someone suggested and see what else the herbalist suggests.
I did research on my own and found something called EPB...here is the link, but I am going to advise from this lady tomorrow first before I spend 400 dollars on it all. It says 3 month regime and 100% it will help...so we shall see.
I see your post was 3 months ago...have you tried the cream or anything else and has it changed things a bit??