there are other things i find most intriguing in the scriptures that few people pay attention to. there is of course the law and the clean vs unclean things. then there is daniel and his friends who refused to eat the food sacrificed to idols. instead they ate something else and were healthier than all the rest for it. i do not think that is an accident - what was that stuff? moses burned the golden calf and fed it to the israelites - white powder gold? also there was manna from heaven which spoiled in a day. what was that? and when they complained, quail were sent to them. at that time they cried for missing the onions and leeks back in egypt. nebuchadnezzar ate grass for 7 years and regained his sanity and his throne. john the babtist ate locusts and wild honey. samsom gathered honey from the mouth of a lion carcass. elijah ate the widow and her sons last meal of oil and meal and their supply never ran out after that. and john the revelator actually ate the little scroll which he was writing. and what were those gals way back when using the mandrakes for? pomegranates, figs, olives, and grapes are mentioned often, oh yea, and almonds. i wouldnt be afraid to eat any of these things, except maybe the mandrakes.