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Thinking for yourself 40679? You do your Father in heaven proud (2 Corin. 7:4).
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Thinking for yourself 40679? You do your Father in heaven proud (2 Corin. 7:4).

God looks at the heart. There are many people in the world who don't know how to read. I think that fact is PURPOSELY forgotten (subconsciously ignored) by Christians because modern/traditional Christianity is based on reading (bureaucratic and textual literacy), partisan (based on protocol) and scholarly (based on empiricism). Humanity teaches us to see the merit and demerits (ethical value not simply based on a moral code) of right and wrong as a compromise of necessary evils. God's way is different. Right is right and wrong is wrong and never the twain shall meet. What was right a thousand etcetera years ago, is right today (God's ways), BUT, according to PROPRIETY (what's acceptable to the local culture > norms), we count right and wrong as having DEGREES, different levels (stratified) and not being pure and complete, but 'GOOD' an absolute. As far as perfect and complete goodness, no one is good but God alone (Mark 10:18, Luke 18:9). Just because the local culture will accept many things today that would not be accepted in ages past (propriety, the norm), that does not mean God has changed the ABSOLUTE of 'GOOD'. In God, right and wrong are a 'dichotomy' (two sided coin), there is no middle ground, no shadow or variation. In The Lord, the particular situation does not change the moral merit of the heart (the intent and sentiment towards each other, not the self-righteous appearance of a good deed, determines morality, but effect/result can be the final determinant). In The Lord "there is no shadow or variation due to change" (James 1:17). The Lord did not come to bring peace on earth so that everyone could continue doing whatever they want regardless of merit, He came to produce a clear division between right and wrong (Matthew 10:34, Luke 12:51). We are to DISTINGUISH (as a dichotomy) between good and evil (CLEAR division between right and wrong as though 'GOOD' is the ABSOLUTE), when we do that, we are fed with solid food (Hebrews 5:14). We will only 'clearly divide' right and wrong (as in "black and white") and be more concerned with the consequences people suffer from evil (whenever good is prevented) and our behavior towards others will be motivated by our compassion rather than the protocol of avoiding the black check marks of this thing called 'sin'. We will only learn to 'clearly divide' when we finally develop the courage to admit how we've always been confused how to FEAR the one we love (Isaiah 29:13 and 1 John 4:18) and let The Lord teach us sentiment over emotion. It is this 'dividing' sword of The Spirit (when we learn 'sentiment', "...which IS THE WORD OF GOD", Ephesians 6:17), rather than the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). The god of confusion (satan) has blnded us long enough (fitting name), but now I realize the greatest impediment to evangelism, we give unbeliever's the cold shoulder by forsaking them in favor of God (this should not be, NOT by a longshot),...I could rather be set apart and cut off from God for the sake of the brethren (paraphrase Romans 9:3). Of course it's thought that Paul was speaking this sentiment of ONLY the Christians of 'club Christianity' > your call, what's in your heart?. 'I am' wants us to identify with Him as the offspring that we are because He "rather our goodness not be by compulsion, but of our own freewill" (conscience, Philemon verse 14). Adam and Eve ate of the tree of conscience and we inherited the capacity for knowing right from wrong (which is why we're accountable for our deeds and need The Lord's atonement), but we also need His Spirit that He left us so that we could learn to identify with Him more closely. The god of confusion has us believing that Adam and Eve committed 'ORIGINAL' sin and that we are STILL (the purpose of the word "ORIGINAL") accountable for the "ORIGINAL" deed (offers distraction from our real goal of a clear conscience toward God and man) and offers us the distorted understanding that we have a mean spirited God. Adam and Eve committed 'initial' sin and we are initially accountable to conscience, and ultimately accountable to God (sovereign before The Lord).

God cannot be contained in a book and no words can adequately express Him.

"...the word of God is living and active..." (Hebrews 4:12).

Job passed 2 tests, one of being a righteous man all his life (being a loving person), and then by steadfast love for The Lord through his ordeal.


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