first off i think you raise some very valid points and that you argue them very succinctly.
i am happy to give my input, but first want to make perfectly clear two things.
1. i am a believer in Jesus Christ
2. i do not agree with much of what passes for Christianity today.
i am a rebel, a freethinker and don't base my belief system on a book full of dead words, rather i try to base my beliefs both on my faith and my reason.
you said one very profound thing, that faith is necessary and yet it is a gift. exactly. well said. but faith in what? a belief system? no belief system ever saved anyone ever, no belief system transforms the human heart and no belief system opens you to the mystery of the Creator.
if you want to have faith in something, ask for faith in the eternal and undying love of God. now THAT is something to hold onto, something real, something life changing and something that no belief system can generate inside of you.
personally i believe the bible is inspired by God. it is a road map of one part of humanity's long relationship with and ever evolving revelation of God. each word is there for a reason. each word serves its purpose.
BUT again, i do not base my faith on the bible. my faith is based on the revelation of God in my heart. it is that simple. our revelation of God as a race is ever evolving. the old testament is old for a reason, because we evolved beyond it. we are always evolving, and our revelation of God will always be expanding.
faith in Christ is NOT the same as belief in Christianity. Christ is a fundamental force in the universe, christianity is a belief system. Christ is now at work in the heart of every man woman and child beckoning them to a deeper knowledge of the love of God. if the Christian belief system helps in that journey, great. but if it hinders your deeper revelation of love then something has to give.
i don't know if i am answering any of your quesiotns to be honest, i am just typing what comes to my mind. i hope you find it helpful.