Re: The Library in Heaven
"Here is the part I am not capable of at this time to exactly explain... We make lots of contracts that we may never fulfill because we have free-will and so does everyone else and if we do not act on a changes all of the other variables in the mechanical machinery of the universe. Free-will is the mechanical triggering mechanism that moves everything. The whole universe kind of clanks along by free-will in a kind of colossal rubrics cube on the outside but these spiritual contracts we make in the library are built between and around the physical world and have no ability to manifest without a physical initiation. The events triggering the contracts moves in ebbs and flows affecting light and dark. That is all I can say for now and even though I feel I am not adequately saying how the process works I do want to put it out there and see if I can make it clearer later. This library place is a wonderful place of learning and somehow this is also a key element of why we are here. Learning that matters relates to loving kindness, giving and receiving, joy, and awe. Our lives are recorded on those scrolls but the darkness of our lives is pressed down and shaken together until everything about the material world is cast off of us like a snake sheds its skin and is cast off. The life recorded looks exactly the same without the old dead man attached to it. This stuff is hard to say so I am going to quit saying more for now. I hope I can return to it soon.
Below is a link to my NDE in 5 Parts
Hey Rudy,
This is the part where I think to myself that Jesus mighta got misquoted when he said, "Father forgive them fore they know not what their doing?"
Instead, if that's the case, mayhap he was asking for his father's All Knowing intervention because the concept of the nail drivers doin' what they were doin' was way too mind blowing to forgive and if the "FORGIVENESS THING" was some somethin' that needed to be done, it might be best to give it up to the Highest Authority to makes sense outta it.