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Re: The Library in Heaven
Librastar70 Views: 4,853
Published: 20 y
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Re: The Library in Heaven


I did find and read your NDE last night. It was quit a powerfull enlightenment. You are truly blessed to have experinced the universe and live to tell about it. I was impressed with your ability to recall and put into words. Most of what your wrote I understood.
A nutcase I'm NOT! A spiritual guide in a physical body I am! Your posts have helped me remember why I am here. And, how much I miss home. And last but not least, that I reincarnated in to a physical body for reasons. I need to pull myself out of my material world pity party and get back to work.
You have no idea how much you have helped me, by sharing your experience of the library. I often doubted that what I know to be true. If I could draw I would draw pictures of all that I have seen in the spirit world / Heaven.
Look forward to your reply,
Love, Libra


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