i have already heard many drs say that the redistribution thing is a farse, and i believe them. you believe cutler. so what. what the heck do you care who is right? we have had patients so sick that they wanted an ambulance standing by, and we followed protocol. hal huggins, dr levy, and i do not believe in dmps or dmsa, and u do, so what. curezone is not meant to diagnose or be medical advice, so you are you telling me i am giving dangerous info. i could just as soon say you are, for that matter. you say that the fractionated porphyrin tests and melisa test will not work on this patient. how would u know that? don't you think when testing, they take all things into acct, and run other tests as well?
then, you go on and on about EDTA and haley and mercury. after 4 months of chelation with the supplements if patients want to do EDTA, they can. there is not enough mercury left to make a difference. many want to do it immediately. i cannot stop them from doing it, only tell them wait at least 4 months. i did chelation myself, tell patients how to do it all week long, been doing it nearly 4 yrs and you post cutler is right and i am wrong. well, i don't agree, and you have the nerve to write that i don't know much about chelation. there are many drs out there that think cutler is wrong and just taking ppl's money, so i am not alone.