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Forum: Amalgam Debate Forum  
  • Re: 12 POINTS on MERCURY TOXICITY travlinggypsy  18 y  7,058  


    This is a reply to # 37,114
    thanks harley, one already tried,dressler one does not talk of removal of amalgrams only that they are mercury free, wish he could travel,i really like all the info on your site.we will have to stay close as possible will try others monday,first thing.i do appreciate the time you have given me.
  • Re: 12 POINTS on MERCURY TOXICITY wintergreen  18 y  6,934  


    This is a reply to # 37,114
    harleygirl: You can begin chelating (taking oral supplements that rid the body of mercury) immediately after all your fillings are removed. You should do this at least 4 months. I list those chelators on my website.

    wintergreen: Are you aware of how dangerous the advice you are giving here is? Particularly to a woman whose brother is already in fragile health?

    Taking alpha lipoic acid and cilantro immediately after your fillings are removed, particularly in the doses you state from your website replicated below, can make you EXTREMELY ill.


    Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg 1 Tab

    Cilantro Tincture 30 drops 500 mg/ml herb equivalent
    • Re: 12 POINTS on MERCURY TOXICITY Aharleygyrl  18 y  6,594  


      This is a reply to # 37,117
      this site is not for launching personal attacks on people. i got my information from dr morales and the internet from prominant sources. i did not just make it up. it is not the least bit dangerous. you follow andy cutler and i do not agree with cutler's protocol, so quit telling me i am not following his protocol, as you have done in other posts. i could have attacked you, but i did not. and, furthermore, i followed the protocol myself, and not only did i not get "extremely ill", i got immediately better and continued to get better every day. our patients have been following this for a few years and they are fine. do you have some sort of proof i am causing ppl harm, besides what you say cutler says? i don't work for him. and, for your information, one in fragile health responds very well to that formula.


      • Wintergreen is entitled to express h... rokybird  18 y  6,788  


        This is a reply to # 37,118

        wintergreen: Are you aware of how dangerous the advice you are giving here is? Particularly to a woman whose brother is already in fragile health?

        Taking alpha lipoic acid and cilantro immediately after your fillings are removed, particularly in the doses you state from your website replicated below, can make you EXTREMELY ill.


        Roky says: While you are entitled to your opinion,

        I find your posts (Aharleygyrl) in this thread to be offensive and over the top. Calling Andy Cutler a quack is undeserved and you should apologize. To my knowledge there haven't been any scientific studies done on mercury removal with chelation of various methods therefore it remains unknown which is the best except by anecdotal evidence. Andys theories are a good as anyones.

        In my opinion.

        Some small(microscopic) bits of mercury MAY be swallowed during removal even with the best protocol however this is probably insignificant but chelating with ALA at this time seems like a bad idea to me.

        ALA should not be taken immediately after removal: It made me quite sick when I did that. Waiting 3 months sounds right to me.

        Dmsa might be usefull taken immediately after removal for a few days to remove the blood mercury.

        Taking DMSA before the body mercury has dropped (about 9 months)will make you feel worse in my experience.

        I havn't tried cilantro but several people on this board have reported that it made them very sick.

        Is it oppropriate to use this site to promote a particular individual?

        OK folks, time to kiss and make up.
        • Aharleygyrl is entitled to express h... Aharleygyrl  18 y  6,731  


          This is a reply to # 37,139
          i was minding my own business and he attacked me. i did not attack him. i would agree with you that he can express his opinion. that is what we were both doing until he decided to attack what i was saying and attempt to discredit it. had he not done that, everything would have been fine. i did not do that to him and still have not. i will not apologize to u or anyone else about my opinion of andy cutler. is this andy cutler's forum? i do not remember asking for your opinion on what i post and do not care how u feel about the chelation advice i give to our patients. i was not speaking to u about andy cutler. i don't agree with his methods and i do not have to. i do not know why u wish to become involved in this. why not go into the chelation debate forum if you want to argue about chelation? that is what it is there for.

          as far as some of his comments, i can tell you that we have patients come in so ill they cannot stand and have had a couple ask for an ambulance to stand by during removal, they were that sick. we have them chelate only with the supplements and they can cut down the dosage a bit if they need to, but we do not use DMSA or DMPS or EDTA (altho the latter i will tell them they can in 4 months if they insist). we feel these drugs will make them worse and it is our opinions. just because it is not the same opinion as wintergreen, i never told him he didn't know about chelation. i could care less about debating chelation or else i would be in that forum doing so. i did not address him at all. if you read the posts, you will see the first and subsequent attacks on my methods and knowledge came from him. i was only respondeding to the poster and told them what i know and what we do.

          also, there is absolutely science behind the chelation formula i use. i took most all of it out of dr morales' publication and it is all cited with scientific studies of known mercury chelating supplements. dr morales asked me to add a few current ones, so i studied some chelators that have been proven to chelate mercury, the dosages shown to do so, and i added them (about 5 or so) like he asked me to do. the base of the formula is taken right out of the publication and if it had no science behind it, i would had put that on my site. i was not promoting anyone. i was helping a poster by posting. u either did not follow these posts all the way and see what really transpired, or u just like to jump in and attack ppl for no reason yourself, don't know which. if u r not bias, i suggest u go back and read each one very carefully. here are the attacks on me by wintergreen that i defended myself to (the bottom one came first) and there are more, but these were the initial ones:

          wintergreen wrote:

          harleygirl: You can begin chelating (taking oral supplements that rid the body of mercury) immediately after all your fillings are removed. You should do this at least 4 months. I list those chelators on my website.

          wintergreen: Are you aware of how dangerous the advice you are giving here is? Particularly to a woman whose brother is already in fragile health?

          Taking alpha lipoic acid and cilantro immediately after your fillings are removed, particularly in the doses you state from your website replicated below, can make you EXTREMELY ill.


          • Re: Aharleygyrl is entitled to expre... wintergreen  18 y  6,903  


            This is a reply to # 37,140

            harleygirl:  then, to top it off, he says first do no harm, like i am a doctor. i took no pledge. i am consultant.

            wintergreen:  "Do no harm" is a simple, basic, and essential ethical concern for anyone who offers health advice of any kind.  And of course it would apply to a dental practice as well.  Are you saying here that you are immune from it?

            When you give out chelation advice, do you tell the patients you aren't bound by the constraint of "do no harm."

            I assume that's not really what you mean.   But throughout this whole exchange, you have placed yourself at the center of it.  If you feel that I said something out of place, you could have noted it, and then moved on with facts and arguments, rather than returning to it again and again.  

            It is quite common to point out other's mistakes here.  Earlier, you felt my advice was mistaken regarding mercury tests.  I don't think you grasped my meaning in that discussion, but that is neither here nor there.  You have called me a jerk and so forth, and I have not made any kind of issue of that.  It's just not important.

            This isn't about you, it's about getting out advice that won't hurt and that may help.  And I will stand by my earlier statements that you don't know enough about chelation to be offering much in the way of helpful advice on it, aside from warning people not to do things like DMPS injections or DMSA challenge tests.

            Huggin's account of the young woman and others who were paralyzed after taking EDTA is not primarily an account of his opinion, but of his experience.  At the very least, I would have liked to think that this would give you pause rather than continuing to say that EDTA is fine, you just have to wait and use a few supplements for 4 months before you take it.

            • Re: Aharleygyrl is entitled to expre... Aharleygyrl  18 y  6,596  


              This is a reply to # 37,141
              to address what you imposed, no i am not bound by the do no harm phrase of the hipocratic oath. i am a consultant, not a doctor. But, of course, i also have not harmed any patients. i put chelation info on my site as a convenience for people and the doctor approves of what i chose to put there. i know it bothers you, but i am leaving it. it has worked well for 4 years, so i deem it fine. i am getting quite a kick out of your answers though, thinking curezone is in any way shape or form medical advice. you say i am bound by this and that. yeah, right. i am just like you, another person writing a bunch of stuff on the internet. the people that actually know me would not be writing to me in the manner that you have been. obviously, you think curezone was meant to give medical advice and take the place of a doctor. have u read the curezone disclaimer at all. it says the opposite.

              i have no idea why you keep saying i don't understand some point you made. i have a life and i don't sit and read your every word and try to decipher meaning. the moment you attacked me, i didn't want to read anything you wrote, in fact. you turned everything you wrote into something against me at that point. but, who would care if i misunderstand something you wrote about mercury. i probably don't agree with you, but who am i? you keep bringing it up, but why do you care what i think? you told me that you don't even live in america

              i am also get a kick out of how you change everything around and deny everything you did. the funniest thing i read, this time, was that it wasn't about me. you got that from me, telling u that, lol. and, thing is, and u know what u did, unless u r in denial, u attacked me. i was minding my own business, never said a word to u, and all of the sudden you attacked all kinds of things and kept doing it. i defended myself and didn't attack you. if i called u a jerk, it was in defense to your attacks and much deserving.

              i could tear apart everything u said about chelation like u did to me if i wanted to. i never went that route. i was only interested in the poster who was asking questions. you are the one who launched the attack. if ppl want to bother going and looking at the posts, they will see exactly what transpired, it's all here. BUT, unlike you, i think they have better things to do. i think no one cares whether you and i disagree on chelation techniques.

              you keep writing and defending huggins and you try to pretend that i am telling ppl to take EDTA. for one, that is absolutely false and for another, it is none of your business. thirdly, and for the last time, if ppl want to take it, i tell them they can if they chelate orally 4 months. most often, they forget about it by then because they feel so much better. but, my mom's friend has heart problems and he has EDTA ever so often, i have had it myself. EDTA doesn't take out much mercury and if you have fillings or just had them out, not only will it not help much, it can make u sick because it is taking out other metals and putting them on the kidneys. but, guess what, i had a straight week of IV EDTA when i had 10 amalgams and was mercury poisoned for 30 yrs. that is what the doctors chose to do about it. i didn't get sick, but i didn't get better, either. so why tell me Huggins personal story when i have my own?

              you can twist words and write bad things about me all you want. you never should have attacked me in the first place and then you would not have to waste energy trying to still point out things you think i am doing wrong. i am doing nothing wrong and i don't care if you think i am because it is my opinion that matters on that. you drug me into your debate a little, which i never did and still won't do. i am still not telling you that you are wrong about anything (except when you attack my character and how i do things), like you did. this all started because you chose to point out things you thought i was doing wrong and giving out the wrong info on chelation. you should have just ignored me and wrote your own ideas like i did. then, you would not have to b responding to me and keep attacking what i do and believe in. once again i will tell you, if you want to argue about chelation, go into the chelation debate forum. i am not interested in what you think i do wrong and i am not changing my opinions to yours.


  • Re: 12 POINTS on MERCURY TOXICITY laurenbird  18 y  7,170  


    This is a reply to # 37,068
    Re DMPS & DMSA
    I have read about the horror stories of unsuspecting trusting people taking DMPS for detox after Amalgam removal; their stories just keep reverberating how sick they feel after DMPS. I have not heard any horror stories about DMSA, however.

    If Huggins states that both of these are an assault on the immune system, WHAT does he recommend to be used, and in what strengths, as detox products?

    I HAVE to get this down pat BEFORE I get my fillings out (next 2 wks)! Chlorella seems to be the only product that does not make me sick so far.



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