When you say this is a protocol to clear the bilary system, does this mean only the gallbladder or does it also include the biles in the liver? Can I clear my liver of these travelling stones that I experience?
You seem to have a lot of knowledge about this. If you should make a guess, what do you think caused these my problems in the first place? I just don't know what I have done wrong.
The "crawling" sensation in my liver and bile duct usually occours only about 15 minutes after I eat breakfast. By the following meals of the day I can feel it allready while I'm eating. If I then sit for too long after eating, my bile duct get so full and the right side of my liver hurt so much that I have to move around. Too avoid feeling too much pain I lay down on my left side. I switch sides and sence things (liverstones) start traveling down to my bile duct leading to the spinchter of oddi. This is why I don't think this is a SOD.
By the way, my feces is now brown again. Tomorrow I will try to avoid any food that contains fat.