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Re: Doctors milk dying cancer patients for every last dollar
parazapper Views: 9,104
Published: 15 y
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Re: Doctors milk dying cancer patients for every last dollar

WHoa!!! They sure have pulled the wool over your eyes !! Baaahhhhh !!!!!

That is a definite distortion. What it says is that if the survival rate is 2 percent without chemo, etc and there is a 50 percent increase, that makes it 3 percent survival. The numbers are skewed to make it look good. Notice that it says "relative survival rate". Keep looking through those rose colored glasses.

It is a lot like the inflation numbers that the government uses. Subtract any major increases such as oil, commodoties, etc to give an artificially small number (in the case of inflation).

Another trick that they use is to show foreign statistice ( based on US statistics ).



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