Re: Kefir and Candida Albicans
Hello, I've read this article by Bee Wilder, saying kefir is not beneficial when there is a candida overgrowth. What do you think about it?
There is such a massive amount of misinformation in this site that it is hard to know where to start. I guess with the fact that they do not understand that the yeast form and fungal forms of Candida are two different things.
And the majority of diseases they are associating with Candida have nothing to do with Candida.
They say to stay away from polysaccharides even though this includes fibers that we need to keep our flora healthy and Candida at bay.
They claim sodium is a diuretic, when in fact it is just the opposite.
I read their links on the antibody theory as well and all I can say is that don't have a clue how the immune system works or antibody testing. The only thing they got right was that the tests are not accurate.
They also need to learn how the digestive system really works. Again the only thing they got right that I saw was that low stomach acid causes heartburn. But it does not cause stomach ulceration. And disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's have NOTHING to do with low stomach as they claim. IBS is caused from a lack of flora. Crohn's is an autoimmune disorder triggered by mycobacterium avium complex, and poor adrenal function.
They also claim that hydrochloric acid neutralizes any digestive enzymes. Actually the digestive enzyme pepsin cannot even function without sufficient stomach acid.
They also recommend antifungals, which I have explained numerous times does not work. Candida is a natural part of the body. You are not going to get rid of it. You need to get it back under control. Antifungals should only be used in cases of severe overgrowth, such as thrush to knock it back while using probiotics and prebiotics to get it back under control. By the way they are also wrong when claiming pau d' arco is only a mild antifiungal. It happens to be an excellent antifungal, a lot better than many of their recommendations such as garlic.
I disagree with their claims about milk based probiotics as well. One of their claims is that pasteurization makes the milk harder to digest. The fact is that cow's milk contains large proteins that are hard to digest even if it is raw. But during the fermentation process to make yogurt of kefir these proteins are broken down in to smaller easier to digest units.
They also recommend coffee enemas that I disagree with. First of all they claim these also flush the adrenals. Flush what? The adrenals do not store toxins like the liver. All the enemas will do is to provide caffeine that weakens the adrenals.
This is just a small fraction of the misinformation on this site. But I am not going to spend all night addressing all of their false claims. I have had a long enough day already. I lost my cell phone the other day hiking in the desert. So I went back this morning to look for it. Then after I found it I spent the rest of the day hiking the desert. After 8 hours of hiking I am too exhausted to deal with really long posts. Bottom line is though is that I do not consider this site to be credible. I see way too much made up claims and hype.
They are also overlooking the fact that even if you eliminated sugars from your diet your body will still generate glucose from other sources including proteins, fats, glycogen and lactic acid. Again they need to learn how the body really works.
Thank you and happy New Year!
Thanks, Happy New Year to you as well.