Re: Armour
So if you are not taking Armour Hv
In the meantime your body is without adequate thryoid hormone. So what harm is that doing to your body? It must be affecting your heart and causing all sorts of problems.
I have covered ideas of how to build up the thyroid a number of times. So the idea is to not do anything about the thyroid but rather to build up the thyroid with herbs and supplements rather than substitute for the thyroid's hormone production, which will shut down the thyroid. Shutting down the thyroid with a glandular will just make it that much harder to get off the medication in the long run, and it does not address the cause of the problem.
I for one, know if i'm not taking enough, my calcium isn't being regulated. I suffer from terrible cramps, can't lose weight, even when eating healthily, i have low engery.
but it is the unseen things i worry about. I could be developing osteoporosis because my calcium isn't being utilized properly.
Same principle here. Calcium alone does not treat osteoporosis and often does not address the cause. Silica is a lot more important than calcium for the prevention of osteoporosis. And a common cause of osteoporosis is hyperparathyroidism. Throwing calcium at hyperparathyroidism will not only fail to work, but it will just aggravate the hypercalcemia. This is why the goal of healing really should be getting to and addressing the cause when possible instead of just masking symptoms.
You have to take as long as you need to, not just for short time. If you do everything right, then hopefully you can reduce, or stop eventually, but it is not necessarily going to happen, you have to wait until things hopefully improve.
Again the goal is to build up the thyroid so it can function on its own. This can be done while using the Armour for a short period of time. It is like when I recommend only using progesterone creams for no more than two months due to its dangers. While using the progesterone the woman should be taking vitex (chaste tree berry), which takes about two moths to kick in. By the time she is going off the progesterone the vitex will be kicking in. When addressing the thyroid herbs such as colesus forskohlii, seaweeds and the amino acid tyrosine for example can be taken so their effects can build up while taking the Armour. Then the person can get off the Armour before it has the chance to suppress thyroid function and the herbs and supplements can be continued to support the thyroid's own function.
You can't just stop after a short time regardless can you.
Yes you can by supporting the thyroid with herbs and the nutrition the thyroid needs. Otherwise continuing with the Armour will shut the thyroid down creating a long term dependence on the drug.
Surely the damage being done by low thryoid hormone outweighs the risks of taking Armour. You either need it or you don't, it is simple as that in my book.
It is actually a lot safer to aid the thyroid in doing the job it is supposed to do than it is to fool with exogenous hormones that can screw with normal levels and shut the thyroid down.