Re: Kevin: Re: Forty-Day Water Fast
I am so very relieved to hear after all this time, that Ny is alright and recovering.
Thank Goodness.
You took the very best course of action, which saved Ny from serious and permanent harm.
I believe she was most definitely entering the starvation period with deficiencies that only someone who is experienced and knowledgeable of the fast would recognize.
Although an extremely rare case, I think this should be a lesson to us all: it is just not safe to fast for that length of time without adequate and professional supervision.
Fasting IS an overall safe process, but the central message from all qualified fasting supervisors, is that ALL fasts of this length, should be supervised by competent personnel.
Ny will need to replenish her food reserves and nutritional status asap, and when she is ready to accept nourishment, I would strongly advise a liquid diet of freshly extracted juices of fruits and vegetables.......taken separately.
Ny should only "sip" the juices and treat it as a meal. One glass should take at least half an hour to consume.
Liquid nutrition is also better absorbed and much easier to tolerate on an already stressed and damaged digestive system.
Quality rather than quantity is the best way forward here.
As much rest as possible will allow her body to recuperate to the point where she will be fit and well. This will take time, and although you mention a month, I suggest at least a couple of months for a full recovery if not longer.
If there is anything I can do to help during Ny's recovery please do not hesitate in letting me know.
Give her my very best wishes.
My thoughts and prayers are with you both at this very difficult time.
Take care.