Folks I know that many of you are under the impression that mms solution is "alkaline" well it is NOT alkaline it is very acidic.
Please before I get flooded with responses to this statement I will describe a simple test for all of you to perform "BEFORE" you reply saying that it is not acidic.
Do the test below before replying please.
Do Not Rely On Others Telling You It Is Alkaline, See For Yourselves, Do Not Take Anyones statements, Do The Test! See With Your Own Eyes!
Prepare your MMS like what is directed by almost all so called authorities and experts.
Number one: go to your local swimming pool supply store and purchase an "Aquacheck" water testing kit. it contains 50 test strips that check water for pH, and free chlorine levels.
Get your distilled water out that you have been told to use when mixing MMS, and use one of the test strips to test the distilled water "before" adding to the mms solution. record the readings.
get a small glass add 10 drops of the mms solution "sodium chlorite 28% solution" as normal, then add 50 drops of the citric acid activator solution as normal.
wait the three minutes, then add the 4-6 ounces of distilled water, as normal.
Then take a test using the water test strips.
You will see for your own eyes that the Ph pad on the test strip is bright "YELLOW" or very acidic and off the acid scale on the Aquacheck bottle.
You will see what is making you sick.....the acid.
ill people already have to much acid in thier bodies as is well documented and known.
Why add more acid to the body? When it is NOT needed to have the produced chlorine dioxide?
This is a major problem with MMS...Too much acid!
You can reduce the acidic pH and still retain the chlorine dioxide chlorite ions.
DO THE TEST THEN REPLY, because i will tell all of you right now, if you reply and state that the solution is not acidic, then you did not perform the test.
Do The Test! Then find out how to neutralize the acid, but you must first confirm the acid levels to yourself! With Your Own Eyes! Not with others statements.
Besides being acidic, it also causes excesses oxidation (as opposed to oxygenation). An acidic environment is conducive for cancer formation and proliferation and oxidation can put cells under stress that results in mutation into cancer cells. While it is true that MMS might kill off some cancer cells, it could imo also cause cancer cells and is at any rate not kind to healthy cells.
Note: I post this because you cross-posted it into cancer forums. Your post should probably have been made in the MMS debate forum instead of here in the support forum.
Yes, but what I am trying to tell you is that CureZone has an MMS DEBATE forum where you can debate the merits of MMS or post about its problems. Likewise, CureZone has a Cancer DEBATE forum where you can debate various cancer treatments. You posted in three support forums. While it might be OK to post warnings in the cancer support forum so long as a prolonged debate does not ensue, it is not considered to be proper form to repeatedly post warnings anti-MMS messages in a forum intended to support MMS use.
We pretty much agree on MMS, just saying this isn't the place to do it. As regards cancer, I will save that discussion and perhaps debate for a later date. If you look at my posting history, I have made "one or two" posts in the cancer forums. As moderator of the Cancer Alternatives support forum, I do try very hard to keep people educated about the causes and solutions for cancer, as well as warn them about information and/or treatments that I think might be dangerous or ineffective.
This should nail down the reason that no matter what doctor, or dentist, it behooves you to get a second opinion regardless.
Money well spent.
(Natural News) Janet Napolitano, the former Homeland Security Secretary made infamous for announcing the “see something, say something” campaign that would now be utterly despised by the Left, was nearly killed by an overdose of cancer medications, reports Radar Online.
Described as a “terrifying event,” Radar Online reports that “Napolitano was unconscious for hours before a staffer discovered her body — and that an accidental overdose of her cancer medications was the culprit.”
Napolitano was apparently discovered in an unconscious state by a friend who called paramedics. “The doctors were worried about brain damage,” insiders told Radar Online, which also reports, “the sherriff’s office attorney for Oakland, California, told Radar that it was cancer drugs and NOT Napolitano’s illness itself that led to her hospitalization.”
Cancer medications are known for being especially toxic and can cause brain damage, liver damage and kidney damage. “Chemo brain” is a common side effect of chemotherapy treatment, and it is characterized by an inability to focus, loss of memory and loss of cognitive function. There’s little doubt that modern cancer “treatments” actually kill more people than cancer itself. (Yet their death certificates always state they were killed by cancer, not by chemotherapy or radiation.) Learn more about the toxic cancer industry at
According to Radar Online, Napolitano was diagnosed with cancer last year and has been undergoing “treatment” with toxic chemotherapy drugs for the last five months. Her cancer treatment history demonstrates yet again how the cancer industry is a total failure that never really prevents or treats cancer. “Napolitano had her right breast removed in 2000 after being diagnosed with cancer. Four years later, she had surgery to remove her right ovary and an ovarian cyst,” reports Radar Online.
Much of the cancer industry is a criminal racket. Just last year, a prominent oncologist in the Detroit area was sent to prison for falsely diagnosing African-American patients with cancer so he could profit from the chemotherapy “treatment” they didn’t need. Thousands of patients were ultimately subjected to toxic chemicals that damaged them for life. (RELATED: Read more stories about the horrors of oncology at
What’s especially sad and ironic in all this is that Janet Napolitano, an obedient minion of the tyrannical police state establishment, is being chemically murdered by the tyrannical medical establishment… and she doesn’t even know it.
While we hope Napolitano somehow achieves a speedy recovery, the laws of cause and effect betray the far more certain outcome that she will be killed by the very cancer “treatments” her ignorant doctors have told her are saving her life. Sadly, Napolitano looks determined to become yet another victim of the very same exploitative system of government lies she once proliferated in exchange for a paycheck. Remember: While she was telling America that patriots were terrorists, the cancer industry was telling America that there’s “no such thing as an anti-cancer food, nutrient or supplement.”
It turns out that believing establishment lies about cancer can literally cost you your life. Why are we not surprised she’s now in charge of California’s university education system that’s also steeped in a total disconnect from reality?
It turns out you really do reap what you sow.
I addressed this myth 5 months ago when it was posted previously:
Except for the fact that the guy does not have a clue of what he is talking about. For example a quote from Andreas' Moritz book: "By definition, a cancer cell is a normal, healthy cell that has undergone genetic mutation to the point that it can live in an anaerobic surrounding (an environment where oxygen is not available). In other words, if you deprive a group of cells of vital oxygen (their primary source of energy), some of them will die, but others will manage to alter their genetic software program and mutate in a most ingenious way: the cells will be able to live without oxygen and derive some of their energy needs from such things as cellular metabolic waste products." First of all the definition of cancer goes way beyond an anaerobic cell. Cancer cells have a much different morphology that healthy cells. Here is a list of some of the differneces: Pay special attention to the last part: "It is possible that the high energy requirements of actively dividing cancer cells may result in the cell adapting anaerobic glycolysis as a supplement to normal aerobic respiration" More evidence that cancer cells do not show complete anaerobic acitivty: "Hela cells (also called Hela) are highly stable immortalised cancer cells widely used in scientific research. This cell line was isolated from a cancer of the cervix of Henrietta Lacks uterine who died of cancer in 1951." Now read the quesiton and answer here: A lot of this myth has to do with the misquoting of Otto Warburg who said that cancer cells will ferment rather than respirate REGARDLESS of whether or not oxygen is present. He NEVER claimed that cancer was caused from a lack of oxygen as many people claim he said. As far as the claim that cancers will not lead to the death of the body, but rather that it is from a lack of nutrition, again this is false. Cancerous growths can kill the body through organ damage. Consider a brain tumor that basically crushes the brain. Or a cancer that causes a patient to bleed out. Or that causes so much damage to the liver that the liver fails. Here is another ridiculous statement from his book: "The body sees the cancer as being such an important defense mechanism that it even causes the growth of new blood vessels to guarantee the much-needed supply of glucose and, therefore, survival and spreading of the cancer cells." The body is not stimulating the growth of those blood vessels. The tumor itself secretes those growth factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) so it can feed itself, just like a parasite. The tumor also secretes small amounts of angiogenesis inhibitors to suppress the growth of secondary tumors, survival f the fittest. This is why when the primary tumor is removed the secondary tumors start growing faster. The angiogenesis inhibitors have been removed. "It is commonly believed that our immune system protects us against cancer. However, this is only partially true. On the one hand, the immune system readily destroys the millions of cancer cells that a healthy human body produces as part of the daily turnover of 30 billion cells. On the other hand, the immune system takes no action to eradicate cancer cells that develop in response to a build up of toxins, congestion and emotional stress." More garbage. First of all the body does not produce cancer cells every day. Cancer cells have very little in common with healthy cells or even benign tumors. Cancer is generally defined as an uncontrolled growth of cells. So by definition if the immune system is controlling the excess cells then it is not cancer. Secondly, any overgrowth of cells is not cancer. A wart is an overgrowth, but it is benign. And the immune system does not do a very good job of finding and destroying cancer cells because the cancer cells can hide from the immune system. Cancer cells use the same trick as the human fetus, which is a foreign protein to the mother's immune system due to the male DNA present. Both secrete human chorionic gonadotrophic hormone (HCG) as a shield to prevent detection from the immune system. The body is not aiding the cancer cells to help destroy itself. Cancer is a disease, not a survival mechanism. If you do the research you will find that the vast majority of cancers are caused from viruses. I would put it at about 95%. In fact all of the so-called "hereditary" cancers, such as breast cancer, have been shown to be caused by viruses. No human oncogenes have ever been found that I have heard of. All of the oncogenes have been found to be viral. Other cancers can be from bacteria, fungi, parasites (extremely rare), radiation damage, and possibly carcinogens. Although I feel carcinogens are more growth promoters than causes. The body is not going to allow infection by viruses, or bacteria, of fungi, or parasites, or allow itself to be deliberately irradiated to produce cancer as a survival mechanism. That is totally ludicrous!!!!
(NaturalNews) Inside the Karmanos "death camp" and cancer industrial complex in Detroit, where many people unfortunately go to die from chemotherapy, a vaccine troll wearing a lab coat scurries around between appointments, and maybe even during surgery, to blog thousands of words about how much it hates natural medicine, and how every other being should be injected with hundreds of doses of neurotoxins and dosed with concoctions of chemical-laced drugs (that he patents), and that are highly experimental. It's all about power, control, manipulation, and yes, money.
Just like his cohort that worked next door, in the same chemo death camp, at Crittenton, the nefarious and insidious Dr. Farid Fata, who was convicted of medical fraud and conspiring to kill more than 500 people and permanently wound thousands of others, Dr. David H. Gorski, aka "Orac," wants to "treat" your cancer or lack thereof with drugs that create new cancers in the body. It's the American tradition since WWII, and three out of every four victims of cell disorder have been brainwashed into believing that chemicals can be used to treat a chemically-induced disorder.
There is one fundamental difference between Fata and Gorski: Gorski also pushes toxic vaccinations like there's no tomorrow, and for some of his duped breast cancer victims, there won't be. Gorski, like Fata, is not human, for he has no soul. He is but an educated creature who wields a scalpel with his claws, while retorting to the well-warranted insults and horrific reviews he gets online, and issuing threats to natural health enthusiasts, who aren't even talking to him or about his Nazi-invented "medicine."
It's only a matter of time before the medical authorities go and arrest David H. Gorski for violating the AMA code of ethics, for creating aliases (at least a dozen) online so that he can abuse normal people with his secret language about chemicals, and for inflicting more damage on his patients, many of whom may not even have cancer.
If you have even an inkling of doubt about the morally depraved, ignoble and wicked vileness of this dark creature of the medical profession, take a close look at his cohort, Farid Fata, who has just begun serving the first of 45 years in federal prison for dosing healthy people with chemotherapy until they died, including deluging them during their final days of life.
There are several cancer industrial complexes in the USA where people go to die from experimental chemicals, even though they think they're giving themselves the best chance of living. Sloan Kettering Institute in New York is one. Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute is another. What's worse is that many MDs and oncologists know that chemotherapy has very grim success chances, and other chemical drugs like vaccines make things even worse. Depleting (and sometimes completely annihilating) immunity when someone is fighting cancer is the absolute worst thing a doctor can do to their patient, but that's exactly what vaccines, flu shots and chemotherapy accomplish. David H. Gorski loves maiming people and he blogs incessantly about "science based medicine" that has only a 2.3 percent chance of fighting off cancer.
Who is this troll that looks and acts like a human? Why are there so many professional articles and horrific reviews online about this monster? Because some humans actually try to save other humans from nightmares they know about. In Detroit, there's a freak who operates on humans and then blogs hate crimes about them just minutes later. He's not only an oncology troll, but he's a vicious one at that. Don't get injected with the poisonous venom of this "piss-poor pharma whore" (his own words), or anyone else like him.
Ask yourself one vital question now: Can a cancer doctor truly help anyone heal when they are filled with hatred themselves?
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Are you quite sure?
The exchanges are interminable, and I haven't even started to warm up yet. I just luuurve showing some of those hard-core 'science' fraudsters the red rag. They can't help charging at it while spewing vitriol at the sheer effrontery of daring to challenge their 'god'.
But if you really wanna follow the thread, let me warn you now you'll need loads of spare time and a seriously thick skin. I come in at #262, and it now stands at #709 as at last check-in. You'll find the thread here:
You have been warned, so I take no responsibility for any time unwisely spent on this thread.
My name is actually Costas, though you should drop the preceding 'actually'.
Unfortunately, it lends itself to an obvious term of abuse (Costa$$) that one rabid zealot has barely missed an opportunity to exploit. For a grown (or should that be groan?) man whose wife has cancer, his conduct has been unbelievably puerile. And yes, you're quite right of course. It is very reminiscent of a form of playground bullying. But this time they picked on the wrong guy with whom to play that game. I am not so easily intimidated, and I give as good as I get without resorting to outright abuse as far as that is humanly possible.
But thanks for the compliment, and yes, normal service will be resumed asap. I'm unable to post at the moment coz I'm preparing for a classical guitar recital that I'm due to give in a few days. I also have a 'to do' list that just keeps growing, including advising a breast cancer sufferer who is on chemo and has not responded to some natural protocols. Helping her is a lot more important to me than doing battle with a bunch of die-hard deluded SBM/EBM advocates.
As for which protocols I would recommend, I would not rely on any single protocol to cure my cancer. I do not believe in the 'magic bullet' theory when it comes to finding a cure for cancer. Rather, I believe cancer is a systemic manifestation that requires a holistic approach that should include cutting out all refined carbs, fasting, the ketogenic diet, an anti-cancer diet that includes all the foods, vits & minerals recommended for example by K Scott-Mumby in his book (Cancer Research Secrets), exercise, sound sleep, massage and skin scrubbing, etc etc.
To this base-level maintenance regimen I would also add 2 or 3 major compatible protocols including, for example, Iodine, IV vit. C where possible (or massive oral doses where not), and Cesium Chloride high pH therapy - though this requires expert supervision coz of the risk of potassium depletion. And I wouldn't necessarily even stop there. I don't believe in taking hostages when it comes to cancer, so I would add maybe another 3 or 4 subsidiary protocols including apricot pits, essential oils, Essiac Tea, etc.
If you accuse me of 'hedging my bets', I would plead guilty as charged. It would be great to know which of these protocols actually delivered the coup de gras to the cancer, but I believe it is much more important to deal this monster its quietus by any means necessary, including the scatter-gun approach if that's what it takes. If your cancer is slow growing and non-aggressive, you could try the magic bullet approach with something like Protocel, but again I would be tempted to supplement that with a couple of compatible protocols as recommended by Pierce (Outsmart Your Cancer).
There is much more I could say, but as usual time is against me. There are many sites that give excellent advice, including Cancer Tutor and TTAC, and you could do a lot worst than to start by reading around these if you want more info on this subject. Not forgetting the numerous testimonials & advice you can find on the cancer forums here as well.
Having said all that, just one word of caution. There is no such thing as a guaranteed cure for cancer. Some sufferers have had their immune systems, vital organs, etc. so thoroughly trashed by conventional treatments that no amount of natural remedies can help them. Cachexia is all they have left, and coming back from that is nothing short of a minor miracle.
Would you believe that some people are not capable of understanding the folly in their their thinking because they are dense, or because they have an agenda that they are pushing.
Some are not able to put two linear, logical thoughts together so having a [battle] with them is a waste of time. If you don't believe me go battle trapper about how the earth is not flat like he says. LOL
Sometimes just providing facts that have sources backing them will suffice in shooting down the folly at least to the ones that aren't dense.
Percentages do count when dealing with the dense.
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