Thanks again for the response illys,
We have been treating a lot parasite infections, so I think we have the intestines very clean.
The test for that is 1 capsule candex on an empty stomach, and then wait to see if you feel crappy or not. Candex is quite useful, breaks down biofilms well, but I learned to titrate up from 1/8 of a capsule per day.
I see two problems regarding Selenoexcell by now: 1) which supplement do I have to take to give the body methyl group nutrients? methionine and cysteine are not recommend by Cutler as I see in his book:
Cutler teaches one doctrine, Marshall another, naturopaths a third.. the one thing that they have in common is using nutrition to heal up the system. He is right, methy-group nutrients and cysteine too fast can chase too much out of hiding too fast. I used to learn my way around all the nutrient relationships.
Vitamin B-complex nutrients supply the methyl groups best, especially B1 in the form of benfothiamine. B-group vitamins should not be taken without magnesium.
2) is really safe the combination of selenium and mercury? Daunderer (a toxicologist) says that the combination will irreversibly harm the patient, but at the moment I didn't find sources of that. Do you know something about it?
That is the result when the co-factors of selenium are not taken alongside it, in porportion to the dosage of selenium. Glutathione and metallathione production needs to be present to shunt the mercury out, and sweating needs to be done -very- regularly
with quick shower rinses. The skin is the best exit.
I have written to Andy Cutler to ask him if there is any problem in taking between 400 and 800 mcg/day of selenium in form of selenium yeast (brand SelenoExcell) with the Amalgams in the mouth. He has answered there is no problem in that.
Thanks for the info regarding digestion. I take that into account. Appart from that, Selenium is better to take with or without foods?
It's less likely to be ingested into biofilm-fuel away from meals, I suggest with a shot of 2 tablespoons of fresh-pressed lemon juice and 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil. Selenium is found heaviest in oil-rich foods.
PS: what dosage of SelenoExcell gave you those symptoms illys?
1-2 tablets a day. 1/4 and 1/2 respectively gave less problems, at ~200lbs of weight at that time. YMMV.
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